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她有一双深情款款的大眼睛。She has big soulful eyes.

又该如何解决家庭与感情上的纠葛拉扯?How should solve family and soulful dispute drag again?

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这些就是制造出这么多感人动人音乐的可爱的孩子们。These are the cute children make so soulful and feelingful musics.

她眼睛里有一种知性的深度,既世俗又空灵。And she has a depth of intelligence in her eyes — worldly and soulful.

艾薇儿的风格变得更加细腻更加深情。In this new album, Avril's style takes a more delicate and soulful turn.

不再清澈明亮的眸子里溢满了温柔,闪烁着深情。No longer clear bright eyes overflowing with gentle, flashing a soulful.

他们喜欢在深情热吻的时候长发掠过脸颊。They like it when long hair tents over their faces during soulful kisses.

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重新安排你的计划,在日常生活种多在意你的内心需求。Re-arrange your priorities and give daily attention to your soulful needs.

狗类甚至会在深情注视的同时让面部肌肉系统呈现特殊的运动。Dogs add to their soulful stare a distinctive mobility of facial musculature.

一花一草皆生命,一枝一叶总关情。One flower and one grass are both lives, one branch and one leave are always soulful.

高原风笛神秘的哀鸣有着让人无法抗拒的深情。There is something undeniably soulful about the eerie whine of the highland bagpipes.

本周谈亚洲节目上,要讲的是一位香港的超级巨星,他的情歌融化了全世界人的心。This week on Talk Asia a Hongkong superstar whose soulful songs melt hearts across the world.

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其间有眼泪和争吵,有触动灵魂的沉思,有关于上帝、同性恋、真理和公正的讨论。There were tears and fights, soulful silences, talks about God and gays and truth and justice.

这位21岁的小公主继承了她曾曾祖母含情脉脉的明眸和丰满的双唇——甚至还有她的脸型!The 21-year-old shares great-great-granny's soulful eyes and full lips – and even her face shape!

伟自信要向心爱的人表白,最强的武器当然是自己的歌声!Wai believes that the most powerful thing of him for pouring out his endearments is his soulful voice.

让玛莉娜深邃的原住民长笛引领你进入平静之心。The deep, soulful tones of Marina Raye's meditative flutes lead you on a journey into the heart of peace.

他们吵完架之后马上就要求过性生活,希望用肉体的温存来解决感情上的冲突。After they quarrel, ask to live sexual life immediately, the hope resolves soulful conflict with carnal attentive.

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某些人看来,从本质上说,聆听自己深爱着的人或者写一首诗都是深情的行为。For some, being in nature, listening to a loved one or writing poetry are soulful acts. For a more formal definition

在如此简单的背景音乐烘托下,她的声音是如此的饱满而朴实,而且我敢说,这是很地道的灵乐演唱。Hearing her voice in such a spare setting reinforces just how rich, earthy, and, dare I say it, soulful it really is.

他在上面贴上自己的照片和诗歌,照片里他时而赤裸上身,时而偎依在床上,看上去总是情深款款。He's posted poetry and pictures of himself—sometimes bare-chested, sometimes snuggled up in bed, always looking soulful.