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沙尘使你喉咙发干,让你感到干渴难忍。Dust dries your throat, leaving an unquenchable thirst.

五岁孩子似乎都有如饥似渴的求知欲。Five-year-olds seem to have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

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但是他仍然有不可抑制的愿望,那就是为自己的生活再做点什么。But so was an unquenchable desire to make something more of his life.

当井水满溢,你对干渴的恐惧岂不就是一种无法解脱的干渴?Is not dread of thirst when your well is full, thirst that is unquenchable?

他也颂扬了那种常存的,我们所期望不灭的人性回应。And he also celebrates the ever-present and, we hope, unquenchable human response.

他已经在沙漠中没水地待了两天,口渴极了。Having been in the desert without water for two days, his thirst was unquenchable.

雨还在下,如这止不住的思念,漫延在无边的黑夜里。Rain is still falling, such as the unquenchable yearning, spread in endless night.

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掌炉者伊格尼斯附近的熔化巨人现在不会施放无尽烈焰技能。The Molten Colossus near Ignis the Furnace Master will no longer cast Unquenchable Flames.

每个有卓越成就的人,都如饥似渴地为他人的生命增添一些价值。Within every highly successful person is an unquenchable thirst for adding value to the lives of others.

心中燃起了不输于蜡滴的滚烫欲丨火,继续走下去的愿望在此刻无比强烈。In my heart burns an unquenchable searing fire of desire, which continues to fuel my hopes of the future.

愿这祷告能在他们心中激起一个深沉而不止息的渴望,要更完满地认识基督对他们的意义。May that stir their hearts to a deep unquenchable longing, to know fully what Christ is meant to be to them.

五年以后,丹娜长成了一个娇小但精力旺盛的小女孩,用她那闪耀的灰色的眼睛向人们展示着她对生命的不可淬灭的渴望。Five years later, when Dana was a petite but feisty young girl with glittering gray eyes and an unquenchable zest for life.

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看见耶稣幷瞻仰他的仪容,是一个无法抑压的热望,可惜这热望也可以被人扭曲。To see Jesus, to contemplate his Face, is an unquenchable desire, but it is a desire that man unfortunately may also deform.

关于正确以及合理性,他们没有所谓的合理化和担忧,他们只有对想要获得的东西的无法抑制的好奇心。There are no rationalizations or worries of what’s proper and reasonable – just unquenchable thirst for the things they want.

这里的“欲望”是指你想去平息你对知识永不熄灭的渴求,想去追求卓越,想去追求幸福与快乐。Here, it is the desire to quench an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, a desire to do the best that we can and a desire to be happy.

为了满足对商品生产的强烈欲望,大公司向社区投资破坏了整个地区。Large corporations are plowing into communities destroying entire areas for the satisfaction of this unquenchable lust for commercial products.

这些戒律描述了对于揭露事情真相的慷慨激昂的承诺,在一种激烈且不可抑制的想要了解世界为何而动的渴望的驱使之下。They described a passionate commitment to story-telling, driven by a fierce intellect with an unquenchable thirst to know what made the world work.

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祂手拿簸箕,把谷场打理乾净,将麦子存入仓里,糠秕就用不灭的火烧掉。His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire.

去理解我们是何其相似又何其迥异,我们所有的人都无法抑制这些渴望与梦想,无法停止找寻机会使之实现的努力与追求。The unquenchable desire to learn and understand and to dream of seeing distant places and peoples is with all of us who have the opportunity and intelligence to do so.

他手里拿著扇子,他要扬净它的打榖场,把麦子收到榖仓里,而将粗糠用不灭之火烧尽。Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his threshing floor, and gather his wheat into the garner, but the chaff he will burn up with unquenchable fire.