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人们把他看成一个恶棍的成见已无法改变。He was stereotyped a villain.

本·金斯利饰演大恶人。Ben Kingsley plays the villain.

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罗德利哥啊,我真是个恶人!Roderigo. O, villain that I am!

那他一定也是一位反面角色吧。He must have been a villain too.

小恶棍藏了我的拖鞋。The little villain hid my slippers.

他经常扮演反面人物。He often plays the part of the villain.

他像喜剧中的坏人那样吓唬人。He blustered like a villain in a comedy.

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对于Gru来说,作为一个超级大恶棍并不容易。For Gru, being a super villain isn't easy.

他是一个不聪明、不完美的恶棍。He is a not-so-smart, not-so-perfect villain.

像这样一个混蛋还装什么正人君子?He's a gentleman, if you please, this villain.

五零一集中与星球大战的反派扮装。The 501st focuses on Star Wars villain costuming.

在这出剧中把国王刻画成一个反面人物。The king is represented as a villain in the play.

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他认为食品价格是“万恶之首”。Food prices are “the villain of the piece,” he said.

我喜欢恶有恶报的影片!I like films where the villain comes to a sticky end!

罗多维科那条毒蛇呢?把这恶人带上来。Lodovico. Where is that viper? bring the villain forth.

米基·洛克将饰演大反派。Mickey Rourke plays the lightning-bolt hurling villain.

一个坏家伙追赶你,可能会伤害甚至杀死你。A villain is chasing you and might harm or even kill you.

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死得像个英雄,还是苟活为个恶棍?You either die a hero, or live long enough to become a villain.

好吧,好吧,这样怎么样,你们知道吗,我是肮脏的恶棍。Right, right, what up niggaz, how y'all, it's Nasty the villain.

陈清扬说,我始终是一个恶棍。Chen Qingyang said I was a villain from the beginning to the end.