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你脸上粘的是什么。What is that goop on your face ?

黏稠的东西和机油一起流出来。Goop and gunk drains out with motor oil.

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有些人认为这是为了保护你的眼睛免受喷出的鼻涕或口水。Some people think it is to protect your eyes from flying goop.

我相信真正的潜力,这些尚未实现。Goop . I believe the real potential of these hasn't been realized yet.

你知道你老爸能从哪儿搞到一台打印机和一些粘胶吗?You wouldn't know where your old Da could get a printer and some goop?

你看,暴露在外的上表面一直很干净而下面的像根一样的尾巴就会把头发截留下来了。the exposed top end stays clean while the root-ish tail end catches the hair and goop.

只需放如蚂蚁关上盖子,这些小昆虫就开始在凝胶中开始挖掘管道。Just pop in some ants , close the lid , and watch the insects start tunneling through the goop.

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研究者们试验了隔开的细菌和细菌产生的无细胞粘液。The researchers tested killed bacteria and cell-free goop that had been produced by those bacteria.

只需放入蚂蚁关上盖子,这些小昆虫就开始在蓝色透明的凝胶中开始挖掘管道。Just pop in some ants , close the lid , and watch the insects start tunneling through the blue-tinted goop.

快上到一半的时候,我在上面滑了一下,直挺挺,脸朝下地摔在了房顶上,结果弄得衬衣,裤子甚至头发上都满是糊块。I was about halfway done when I slipped and fell flat on my face getting black goop all over my shirt , my pants , even my hair.

我必须急匆匆地准备生产装备——所有助产士在我生产过程中需要的无菌的网垫、酒精棉签、手套和液体。I had to pay rush shipping for my birth kit -- all the sterilized gauze pads, alcohol swabs, gloves and goop the midwife needs at the birth.

而且,地球的自转运动也会对当地时空产生拖拽效应,就像大理石在糖浆中旋转将会粘上一圈黏糊糊的糖浆一样。What's more, the Earth's rotation should also produce a drag on local spacetime, like a marble spinning in molasses would pull the goop around it.

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而且,自转的地球也会对周围的时空产生一个拽引力,就像一颗弹珠在糖浆中旋转可以带动它周围的液体。What’s more, the Earth’s rotation should also produce a drag on local spacetime, like a marble spinning in molasses would pull the goop around it.

一旦出没,解决生产出没的人族殖民者开始上升,从邪恶的goop摇摇晃晃地攻击你的基地。Once infested, the settlement starts producing Infested Terran colonists who rise from the vile goop and stagger in a steady stream to attack your base.

最近,两个重大的进展让人们相信个人产品制造将成为未来的主流。Two recent developments make your correspondent believe that personal manufacturing is about to go mainstream. One is the arrival of much cheaper printing goop.

后来雀巢在瑞士的研发者们想了一个主意,那就是做成口大小的凝胶体包装,这样即便运动员在奔跑中或在骑自行车都不必担心这种黏黏的东西洒出来。So Nestle researchers in Switzerland came up with the idea of bite-size gel casings that make it easier for athletes to handle the goop even while running or riding a bike.