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你会葡文吗?Do you know Portuguese?

大多数利斯塔消息在葡萄牙语。Most Lista messages are in Portuguese.

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像是葡萄牙兵船的入侵An invasion of the Portuguese Man-of-War

这土风舞不错吧?Is this Portuguese folk dance pretty good?

二个半熟水煮蛋及葡萄牙香肠。Two eggs halfboiled and portuguese sausage.

法语和葡萄牙语都是罗曼语。French and Portuguese are Romance languages.

我想把它换成葡萄牙埃斯摩多。I want to change it into Portuguese escudos.

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二个半熟水煮蛋及葡萄牙香肠。Two eggs half boiled and portuguese sausage.

她把法律文件翻译成葡萄牙语。She translates legal documents into Portuguese.

前往阿威罗,“葡萄牙的威尼斯”,城市。Proceed to Aveiro, the "Portuguese Venice", city.

语言文件翻译成葡萄牙文容易。A language file easy to translate into Portuguese.

和巴西一样,安哥拉曾是葡萄牙的殖民地。Angola, like Brazil, is a former Portuguese colony.

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阿森松岛是葡萄牙人于1501年出现的。Ascension was discovered by the Portuguese in 1501.

牛尾咖喱和米饭,我们认为有葡萄牙菜的感觉。Oxtail curry with rice, Portuguese inspired we think.

而葡萄牙人在同样的时间内已经让失分达到两倍。The Portuguese has shed twice as many in the same time.

这个镇为格鲁吉亚法蒂玛是为葡萄牙语。This town is for Georgians as Fátima is for Portuguese.

英国、法国、西班牙和葡萄牙都罪孽深重。British, French, Spanish and Portuguese were all guilty.

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他们有了一只新狗,对,一只小的葡萄牙水犬。They got a new dog. Yeah, a little Portuguese water dog.

西甲当然比葡甲更为激烈。It is certainly more competitive than the Portuguese league.

其范围正在汉语、韩语和葡萄牙语中扩展。It is launching the range in Mandarin, Korean and Portuguese.