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反重力等离子,磁力场Antigravity Plasma, Magnetic force fields

围巾男子,神秘景点和反吸引力山只是开始。Muffler men, mystery spots and antigravity hills are just the beginning.

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俯瞰格林公园的这座八层楼高的反重力森林,由一万两千种植物构成。Looming over Green Park, it's an eight-story antigravity forest composed of 12,000 plants.

他们使用一种机械式的无重力装置,用大约80,000马力的引擎来驱动。They use a mechanical antigravity device driven by engines developing approximately 80,000 horse power.

在这幅概念画中,这些球根植物向这个世界的天空分泌出一种奇特的反重力凝胶。The concept had these bulbous plants ooze a strange form of antigravity gelatin that lined the skies of the world.

一般认为真空中的某种新型态「暗能量」是这种宇宙反重力现象的源头。The source of this cosmic antigravity is thought to be some new form of "dark energy" associated with empty space.

被赫特人贾巴用来在塔图因沙丘上旅行的巨大反重力游艇叫风帆游艇。The huge antigravity pleasure craft that Jabba the Hutt used to travel the dunes of Tatooine was called a sail barge.

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反引力的概念最早是由爱因斯坦作为一种附加理论在相对论中提出来的。The idea of antigravity was originally suggested by Einstein as a kind of add-on to his General Theory of Relativity.

不过,并非是像有些人所误解的,以为反物质会受到「反重力」,被一般物质排斥。It is not that antimatter would experience " antigravity " and be repelled by matter, as some people mistakenly think.

反重力装置是一种反重力引擎,可以让座驾和飞船推开重力场,提供飞行能力。A repulsorlift is a type of antigravity engine that allows vehicles and vessels to push against gravity fields, providing flight.

不同于其它航天器,它可以作为一个反引力器,利用太阳风的压力平衡太阳的引力,从而使飞船停留在太空中的任何地方。Unlike other spacecraft, it can act as an antigravity machine, using solar pressure to balance the Sun’s gravity and thus hover anyplace in space.

哈勃望远镜所拍摄的一些其它的图像则帮助科学家们更准确地估算出宇宙的年龄,并揭开了一种名为“暗能量”的反引力的神秘面纱。Other Hubble images have helped scientists better estimate the age of the universe and shed light on a mysterious antigravity force called "dark energy."

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简单说,这是一种能产生反重力的东西,从而能抗衡巨大质量系统会因自身重量而内爆成黑洞的自然趋势。In effect, this is something that will generate antigravity to combat the natural tendency of a massive system to implode into a black hole under its intense weight.

否则怎么解释你偶然遇到的出现在路左边的景点?围巾男子,神秘景点和反吸引力山只是开始。How else to explain those wacky, way-out-in-left-field roadside attractions you'll stumble upon?Muffler men, mystery spots and antigravity hills are just the beginning.

如果量子电脑真有这种神祇般的数学威力,或许我们只能期待它可以和曲速引擎或者反重力盾差不多同时上市。If quantum computers promised such godlike mathematical powers, maybe we should expect them on store shelves at about the same time as warp-drive generators and antigravity shields.

膨胀说告诉我们,早在很久以前,宇宙的体积在不到一秒钟内被一种反引力驱动而发生了无数倍的膨胀。Inflation says that very early on, the universe expanded in size by more than a trillion trillion trillion trillion fold in much less than a second, propelled by a sort of antigravity.

亚特兰提斯人拥有超次元量子物理学的知识,并理解到可以使绕着圆柱晶体逆转之特定磁力场而创造出反引力波。The Atlanteans had the knowledge of hyper-dimensional quantum physics and understood that counter rotating specific magnetic fields around cylindrical crystals created antigravity waves.