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鼓手们击备战鼓。The drummer beat the soldiers to arms.

王利波曾组建乐队,担任乐队鼓手。Established and played as a band drummer.

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想象一个喝醉的鼓手会说些什么。Imagine what a drunk drummer is going to say.

鼓手在鼓上敲打出节奏。The drummer beat out the rhythm on the drums.

鼓手扎克山更增加了她的音乐火热的声音。The drummer Zach Hill adds to the fiery sound of her music.

比如说,他是大学里Speed金属乐队的鼓手。For example, he was the drummer of a speed metal band in college.

他还是摇滚乐队“冷水公寓”的长期鼓手。He was also a longtime drummer for the rock band Cold Water Flat.

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上年炎天,鼓手戏剧性地变成了业余剧作家。last summer the drummer became an amateur dramatist dramatically.

同样也是从2004年在三里屯的“男孩女孩”酒吧驻场。He has been the drummer in "Boys and Girls" in Sanlitun from 2004.

这个鼓手的特点是军鼓的声音很紧,鼓点清晰。The drummer had a pretty tight snare sound, and nice articulation.

要是我生来就有音乐细胞,我就会成为一个更棒的鼓手。If only I was born with better rhythm I could become a good drummer.

鼓手把鼓棰扔向查理让他停下来。The drummer threw down his instrument and brought Charlie to a halt.

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林戈斯塔尔,鼓手的乐队,来自一个非常贫困的背景。Ringo Starr, drummer for the Beatles, came from a very poor background.

在铁锚通道的对面,一个鼓手挨了一匕首。Opposite the passage de l'Ancre a drummer received a blow from a dagger.

木偶行唔到,于是老闆就卖左比个老鼓手。Pinocchio was not able to walk, therefore, the boss sold him to an old drummer.

鼓手需要一个非常舒适的踩锤击打鼓皮的感觉。The drummer needs to be comfortable with the feel of the beater hitting the head.

范思聪是乐队的鼓手和技术支持。他望着我,满眼忧伤。Timm Walker, the drummer and backing of this band looked at me with his sad eyes.

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我只喜欢戴夫布鲁贝克此四方,和鼓手正是推动他。I only like Dave Brubeck with this quartet , and the drummer is what is driving him.

调整你的贝司鼓了专业鼓手帮助踏板这个免费视频。Adjust your bass drum pedal with the help of a professional drummer in this free video.

每艘龙舟通常有二十二名队员,包括二十名舵手、一名鼓手和一位抢旗手。Each boat usually has a team of 22, including 20 paddlers, a drummer and a flag-catcher.