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但是,纣王却也是可悲的。But he is lamentable.

我的教区,当我第一次到达时,处于破烂的状态中。My parish, when I first arrived, was in a lamentable state.

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魁北克尤其有着关于反穆斯林言论和政策可悲记录。Quebec in particular has a lamentable record of anti-Muslim rhetoric and policies.

然仍,知道目前,奥巴马令人惋惜的推销术适得其反。So far, though, Mr Obama's lamentable salesmanship has pushed harder the other way.

在那场伤心惨目的灾难暴发的地方,现在连一点声息也没有了。There, where that lamentable disaster had uttered its death-rattle, all was silence now.

她的母亲把她打扮得那样漂亮,显然是害了她了。This dressing her up so prettily by her mother hid apparently been to lamentable purpose.

钱啦,真是万岁,爱和婚姻在钱的面前,俯首称臣,这是一个多么可悲的时代。Money makes the world run, so love and marriage bow their heads to it. What a lamentable age!

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钱啦,真是万岁,爱和婚姻在钱的面前,俯首称臣,这是一个多么可悲的时代。Money makes the world run, so love and marriage bow their heads to money. What a lamentable age!

在种满无数果树的河流两岸,呈现出一片悲惨景象。It is a lamentable spectacle to see the banks of the rivers set with infinite fruit-bearing trees.

诺基亚公司之所以采用WP7的关键目标之一就是为了改善诺基亚公司在美国市场的极差表现。One of the key objectives in adopting WP7 earlier this year was to improve Nokia's lamentable US performance.

这样的命运,对于地中海这一“伟大之海”——这个称谓来源于一则犹太祷文,同时也是本书书名的来源——来说,将是令人扼腕的。That would be a lamentable fate for the “Great Sea”, invoked in a Jewish prayer which gives this book its title.

印度开放经济的意愿与其无法兑现向世贸组织所承诺的现实相比是非常可悲的。India’s willingness to open its economy in reality is in lamentable contrast to its inability to commit itself at the WTO.

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所有的歌曲枣某些旋律已经收集枣全是低声下气悲切到使人流泪的。All the songs, the melodies of some of which have been collected, were humble and lamentable to the point of evoking tears.

不过可悲的是,即使对自己的嘴唇不满意,也没有什么化妆办法可以弥补。Lamentable nevertheless is, although the lip to oneself is dissatisfactory , also make up without what method can be made up for.

这些活在黑暗中的悲惨人群已不仅是只有行动上那种不顾一切的胆量,也还有精神上那种无所顾忌的胆量。These lamentable tribes of darkness have no longer merely the desperate audacity of actions, they possess the heedless audacity of mind.

但是在舒适的环境里面很快的就会蜕化变质,这种现象是最可悲的。But very quick in the inside of the comfortable environment of will exuviate to change in character, this kind of phenomenon is the most lamentable.

而她新近经历过的牢狱生活,又在她那蒙垢受苦的面貌上添上一种说不上的叫人见了心惊胆寒的东西。She had besides, more than formerly, in her face that indescribably terrified and lamentable something which sojourn in a prison adds to wretchedness.

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令人惋惜的是,亚洲气候的历史纪录为数不多,印度之所以成为例外,是因为19至20世纪当时在那里有热衷气候的英国人,蒐集了相当可观的资料。Historical records of the climate in Asia are lamentable outside India, where the weather-obsessed British collected good data during the 19th and 20th centuries.

手指松开了,我从洞里把手缩回来,立即把书堆成金字塔外形堵在洞口,并将耳朵捂起来,不想在闻声那烦人的请求。The fingers relaxed, I snatched mine through the hole, hurriedly piled the books up in a pyramid against it, and stopped my ears to exclude the lamentable prayer.

这件圣事,虽然上可以快乐天庭,下可以保存普世,然而有许多人却不大注意它,真是可惜!This being true, it is lamentable that many pay so little heed to the salutary Mystery which fills the heavens with joy and maintains the whole universe in being.