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那可能是法西斯主义,或暴力主义。It may be fascism, or barbarism.

导致了纳粹德国的野蛮暴行。that had led to barbarism of Nazi Germany.

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从狂热到野蛮,仅一步之遥。From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step.

现代社会可没有野蛮行径的立锥之地。This barbarism has no place in the modern world.

文明是野蛮在羔羊皮上的化装舞会。Civilization is the lamb's skin in which barbarism masquerades.

“美”懂得说“足够”,“野蛮”却叫嚷着“多多益善”。Beauty knows to say, "Enough, " barbarism clamors for still more.

美知道说“够了”,野蛮却吵着还要更多。Beauty knows to say, "Enough, "barbarism clamours for still more.

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美懂得去说“足矣”,粗野却吵嚷着再多一分。Beauty knows to say, "Enough", barbarism clamours for still more.

人类生活从此再次回归荒蛮之中。Human life returned to a state of barbarism once again thereafter.

人类在亚特兰蒂斯的核辐射后又一次回归荒蛮。Human form returned to barbarism after the nuclear fallout of Atlantis.

读读可怜的赫兹里特①是怎样沏他的茶的,对可怕的原始风尚便会不寒而栗。Read how poor Hazlitt made his tea , and shudder at the dreadful barbarism.

而整个经济的邮局化就意味着物物交易的回归。The post-officeization of the entire economy would mean a return to barbarism.

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美国事唯逐个个间接自蛮横入进颓丧、两头没有经由文化阶段的社会。America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.

美国是唯一一个直接从野蛮进入颓废、中间没有经过文明阶段的社会。America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.

他的银牌已经为他的这种最恶劣的野蛮所玷污,至少对亚洲人是这样的。His Silver medal is now tainted with barbarism of the worst kind, at least to the people in the Orient.

它拥有相当高度的文明,却又有如此野蛮的兽行。When civilized, at the height of civilizations. Whenbarbaric, sinking to the lowest depths of barbarism.

美国的“严惩不贷”的法律违背了适度的标准,逆道德的进步而行,把社会导向现代的野蛮。America's `get-tough' laws violate this modest standard, reversing moral progress and paving the way to modern barbarism.

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与南非及其真相与和解委员会形成对照的是津巴布韦总统罗伯特·穆加贝的野蛮愚昧及其治下的衰败之国。To South Africa and its Truth and Reconciliation Commission compare the barbarism and desolation of Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe.

比弄清这一残暴行为对社会的影响更难的是接受这种野蛮行径无法被彻底制止之实。Harder still than understanding the significance of such barbarism may be accepting that it can never be completely prevented.

这是一次野蛮的集体暴行,至今许多日本人不能解释,或根本不承认曾经发生过这样的事情。It was an act of mass barbarism that much of Japan to this day either can't explain or simply won't admit could have happened.