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非常有组织,在面对当前的表面势力对他不利。Very organized in the face of the ostensible forces against him.

他借口身体不好。辞去书记的职务。He resigned his secretaryship on the ostensible ground of health.

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不过最让评论家厌烦的还是表象之下的自恋。But it’s the ostensible narcissism that has irritated critics the most.

它的目的在于将大部分的进程从本机转移到互联网。The ostensible goal is tomove much of the processing from the PC to the Internet.

当贫穷悄悄进入家门时,虚假的友情就从窗口急忙溜走。Ostensible friendship scurries away out of the window as poverty sneaks into your door.

Panels的竞争对手Snap多年来因为操之过急的弹出内容而饱受批评。Ostensible Panels competitor Snap has faced years of criticism for their over-eager pop-ups.

表面的理由是树立一个好榜样,但我知道怀特其实希望我不敢接受测试。The ostensible reason was to set a good example, but I knew White was hoping I wouldn’t do it.

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有智慧的女人容易长久,靠外表的女人只能一夜风流。Have a wise woman to last long easily, depending ostensible woman's can is romantic for a night.

他称病缺席,但谁都知道他去看足球赛了。医生诊断我的病是神经痛。The ostensible reason for his absence was illness , but everyone knew he'd gone to a football match.

她表面上是想借一些糖,其实她是想看看邻居的新家具。种竹成林。Her ostensible purpose was to borrow some sugar, but she really wanted to see her neighbor's new furniture.

一个所谓的跨部门的公共数据已经进行了分类,作为后续使用的推广样板。gov, where an ostensible cross-section of public data is cataloged for subsequent use as development fodder.

认为南京政府收回教育权流于形式的观点并不准确。The traditional view is that Regaining Educational Right of the National governments in Nanjing is ostensible.

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对那些所谓的因压力诱发溃疡的病人,医生会给予什么样的医学建议?“放轻松”?What kind of medical advice was dispensed to all these patients with ostensible stress-induced ulcers? "Relax"?

表面上这是为了防止福利欺诈,但是这让人们从心理上觉得贫穷本身成了一种罪行。The ostensible goal is to prevent welfare fraud, but the psychological impact is to turn poverty itself into a kind of crime.

成功的商业人士都应该是识货的,在点酒上也不会例外。Successful commercial operation people have been ostensible to be means to brand worth – as great as the booze list is no difference.

相反,美国在避免违约方面表面的成功,事实上却凸显了其政治机构越来越变得功能不良。Conversely, America's ostensible success in avoiding default in fact highlighted the growing dysfunction of its political institutions.

不可译性与可译性之间表面的对立所遮蔽的是二者对语言不同层面的关注。The ostensible opposition between translatability and intranslatahihy overshadows the focus on different aspects of the language system.

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其次,文章对这种语言行为可能产生的取效行为也加以了分析和概括。As a kind of a speech act, the ostensible invitation has two expectable perlocutins. The possible perlocutions are discussed in the study.

表见代理制度能有效地维护交易的安全,又能满足本人利益最大化的需要,并可有力地促进交易和提高效率。The system of ostensible agency can guarantee the safety of deals, meet the demand of personal interests and improve the efficiency of deals.

他们很谨慎地展开行动,设法弄到建筑平面图,徵求爆破专家的意见,或者研究美术馆员工的行为习惯。In the process, they work very fastidiously, get hold of site-plans, ask ostensible demolition experts or study the routines of the museum staff.