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多么落魄的一个运动。What a comedown for the movement.

她觉得要听她以前部下的指挥很降格。She find it a comedown to listen to her former subordinate.

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我是上帝的人,让天堂的火焰助我把你们都烧光吧!If I am a man of God, then, let fire comedown from heaven and consume you!

他原来经营自己的买卖,现在不得已去当小职员,可谓家道中落了。Having to work as a clerk is a bit of a comedown after running his own business.

在过去7周的时间里,他毕竟经历了相当大的失落。He has, after all, experienced quite a comedown over the course of the past seven weeks.

对于两个赛季前排名第二的俱乐部来说,竟然有降级之虞真是太落魄了。The prospect of relegation is a comedown for a club that finished second two seasons ago.

对不起,先生,您的文件打印完了,请您校对,看看有无需要修改的地方。Excuse me, sir, I have finished typing your documents, would you please comedown to proof-read it.

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猫主人家共有三口人,其中两人最近出现疑似流感症状。Two of the three people living in the cat's household had recently comedown with flulike symptoms.

如果将柔弱解释为软弱、衰老,则他也只属于跃起之后的衰落阶段,也无所谓胜与不胜。If the soft is weakness and senility , it just is in comedown after leaping. There is no win or lose.

随着证伪主义的兴起,证实主义经济学方法论的衰落已是大势所趋。As the falsificationism appeared, the comedown of the verificationism's economic methodology was already an irresistible trend.

惠普个人电脑销售的任何下滑都将标志着业务的重大逆转,过去几年中,该业务一直在强劲增长。Any comedown for H-P's PC sales would mark a major reversal for the business, which has been growing robustly for the past few years.

与此同时,在一些观点上的极端化使自然主义科学哲学思潮走向了衰落,最终被历史的发展潮流所淹没。Therefore, the extremeness of some views also made the trend of naturalism philosophy of science to comedown and submerged by others finally.

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中国的经济放缓由政策决策者们设计,他们希望减缓增长并在不削减就业增长的情况下冷却通胀。China's comedown is being engineered by its policymakers. They want to slow expansion just enough to cool inflation without sapping job growth.

他还戏说到不当总统后的失落感,说到当他在邻居家附近遛他的狗——巴尼时,他意识到了他的生活完全变得不同了。He also joked about the comedown of post-presidential life, saying he realized how different his life was when he was walking his dog Barney through his new neighborhood.

种子库小、质量差、更新环境的丧失是限制天然臭柏群落有性更新与拓展的主要因子。Small seed bank, poor seed quality and comedown of regenerate entironment were primary factors limiting regeneration and development of natural Sabina vulgaris community.

它明写的是一个家族的衰落,实际反映的却是他生活的那个时代,即被人们称之为的“康乾盛世”。Professedly , the author described the comedown of a family, but in fact, he demonstrated the times when he lived, which was called the Flourishing Period of Kangxi and Qianlong.

方舟子称,中医的衰落是个不争的事实,中医理论不科学,滥用中药存在着危险。Ark son said that the comedown of Chinese medicine is an undisputable fact, the Chinese medicine theories isn't scientific and misuse a Chinese herbal medicine to exist dangerous.

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不过对环保主义者来说,那种“进步”和一年前总统奥巴马的当选点燃全球绿色激情相比,却是一种倒退。For environmentalists, though, that kind of "progress" would represent a significant comedown from just a year ago, when the election of President Barack Obama electrified greens worldwide.