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巴德兴高采烈,鼓起勇气约弗兰出去。Excited , Bud finds the courage to ask Fran out.

弗兰在离去前,给已经晕厥的巴德深情一吻。Fran gives the stunned Bud a kiss before she leaves.

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与此同时,弗兰正和希德瑞克在巴德的公寓里幽会。Meanwhile , Fran and Sheldrake meet at the apartment.

梅里达和几年前的你一样棒吗?Can Fran Merida be as good as you in a few years time?

一段时间里,巴德和弗兰没有在公司出现。The following day , Bud and Fran don't show up for work.

到了早晨,他和梅里达签下了一份职业合同。By morning, he had signed Fran Merida on professional terms.

西班牙球员弗兰·梅里达也处于同样的情况。Spanish play-maker Fran Mérida is also in a similar situation.

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再见了切尔西女足,希望柯比以后别受伤了。Bye Chelsealadies, wish Fran Kirby has no injury in the future.

弗兰。梅里达正在享受他在西班牙球队皇家社会队的租借生涯。Fran Merida is relishing his loan move to Spanish outfit Real Sociedad.

然而,巴德为了不让弗兰伤心,骗她说希德瑞克仍然关心着她。Later , however , Bud manages to convince Fran that Sheldrake still cares.

我深爱着他,我极大地尊重他因为他能给我广阔的视角。FRAN I love him madly and I respect him hugely because he gives me perspective.

像弗朗·塔肯顿这样的人不害怕失败,因为他们了解自己。People like Fran Tarkenton are not afraid of losing because they know who they are.

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但笔者相信,如果住在旧金山或洛杉矶的话,肯定能够做得更加成功。I believe my path to success would have been easier if I was living in San Fran or LA.

事实上,主要的G咖啡商人是从其他城市,如西雅图或旧金山来到波士顿。In fact, major G coffee merchants from other cities like S and San Fran came to Poston.

弗兰克里平的工作表明,我们进入了一个伟大的旧标准混合呼吸演习。Working with Fran Crippen showed us a great breathing drill mixed into an old standard.

阿森纳队仍然没能掌握两名预备队员弗兰·梅里达和吉勒斯·苏努的前途。Arsenal are still in the dark over the futures of Reserve duo Fran Mérida and Gilles Sunu.

上个月在弗兰·布朗所教的一年级的班上,一个棕色头发的男孩向一个同学吐痰。In Fran Brown's first-grade class last month, a brown-haired boy spat on a fellow student.

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是夜,希德瑞克向弗兰说起巴德的事情,弗兰突然间醒悟——巴德也深爱着自己。That night , Sheldrake mentions Bud's actions to Fran. She suddenly realizes that Bud loves her.

女王与渔夫在圣福兰的码头在那里是我曾经看见了的最可怕的旅游陷井,在就上面。Queen is the awfulness tourist trap I've ever seen right up there with fisherman's wharf in san fran.

弗兰起初还坚决不允,但最后还是让步,放了巴德的鸽子和希德瑞克一起过夜。Fran resists at first but eventually succumbs , standing Bud up as she agrees to spend the night with Sheldrake.