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在上一期中我谈到了海里和节。Yesterday I talked of nautical miles and knots.

急停车时纵移量2海里,横移3度。Advance 2 nautical miles transfer distance 3 degrees.

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航海图告诉人们梦想的所在。The nautical chart tells people where to find their dreams.

毗连区的宽度为十二海里。The breadth of the contiguous zone is twelve nautical miles.

这相当于一千○八十九公里或588海里。This is equivalent to 1,089 kilometers or 588 nautical miles.

有关助航仪器和航海出版物的术语。To remember terms on aids to navigation and nautical publication.

依据测量每小时多少海浬的速度称之为节。Speed measured in nautical miles per hour is referred to as knots.

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元级潜艇具有1200-2500海里的巡航半径。Yuan-class submarines with cruise 1200-2500 nautical miles radius.

这海里的物件,真是千奇百怪,什么稀罕物都有。This nautical miles of the object is really strange, what are rare.

因为这是航海仪器,我们需要最好的AR玻璃。Because it is a nautical instrument, we need best anti-reflection glass.

“节”这个词是海航速度的术语,意思是海里每小时。The word knots is a seagoing speed term meaning nautical miles per hour.

将军乔治·埃克顿的航海图指出这些群岛是属于赖德尔王国的。Admiral Aikton's nautical charts indicated the Islands belonged to Rydal.

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测量和制作兼备中、英文的海图。Hydrographic surveys and nautical charts follow the standards set by the IHO.

该城拥有世界上最大的港口之一和根深柢固的航海传统。It boasts one of the world's largest harbors and a strong nautical tradition.

在航海天文钟方面,宝玑作出了重大的页献。In respect of nautical astronomical clock, treasure Ji made great page display.

这款飞机设计的动力为0.75马赫,载客量为120名乘客,最大航程为1,600海里。It is designed to fly at Mach 0.75 carrying 120 passengers 1, 600 nautical miles.

突然间他跪在了地上,并铺开了一张海图。Suddenly he was on his knees on theblacktop, unrolling a nautical chart of the sea.

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华后来航海远行,未知玲已珠胎暗结。China nautical later go on a long journey, sealed Ling already bead embryo dark ties.

本文旨在讨论大连海事大学航海英语阅读教程中的词汇问题。The aim of the thesis is to discuss DMU nautical English reading textbook vocabulary.

海里有一座龙宫,住着龙王和他的子孙。There is a Yonggungsa nautical miles, is home to the dragon king and his descendants.