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机关枪子弹的尖啸声吓到了她。The zing of the passing bullet scared her.

所以接下来你可能会问,要如何增加演讲中的活力呢?But how can you increase the "zing" quotient in your speeches?

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如果你还是单身,那么你将会经而易举的感受到丘比特之箭的魔力。If you are single you could easily feel the zing of Cupid's arrow.

在番茄沙司中无论加入什么都不如加一点儿新鲜的紫苏更能提味。There'snothing like fresh basil to put a zing into a tomato sauce.

每天喝3-5杯绿茶为宜,当然你可以再挤点柠檬汁来增加口感。Try to drink around 3-5 cups a day, add a twist of lemon for extra zing.

我告诉你,如果他不能让别人充满活力,他整天都快乐不起来!I’m telling you, he’s trouble when he doesn’t have anybody else to zing all day!

你的配偶一定能够从你的热情和奔放中享受到你所给予的一切。Your partner must share your zeal and zing for life to enjoy all you have to offer!

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不过由于缺少与Facebook的整合以及充斥着大量垃圾邮件和虚假账号,Ping的活力迅速消失殆尽。But a lack of Facebook integration and problems with spam and fake accounts quickly took the zing out of Ping.

但是在四川的辣椒节上,任何喜欢有点“热辣”的食物的人都能成为胜者。But at the Hot Pepper Festival in Sichuan, anyone who likes their food with a little "zing" gets to be a winner.

蕃茄意大利面对于我来说,让我每个周不厌倦的吃它,味道太浓烈了。but the tomato paste tends to taste of too much zing and tang for me to eat it every week without feeling bored.

如果你习惯于浅尝柠檬水和冰茶,你可以添加一些自制的充满果汁味的小方冰块来调剂这未经稀释的香味。If you are used to sipping lemonade and iced tea, you can add homemade fruit-juice-flavored ice cubes to give it zing without diluting the flavor.

这是令人充满活力和兴致的葡萄酒,酸度适中,香气浓郁,主要有爱情果、芦笋、青草和醋栗的香气。It is a zesty wine with zing and zip, good acidity and a fantastic array of aromas, predominately passionfruit, asparagus, cut grass and gooseberry.

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我们日常的固体、液体和气体,它们的热量和热能是从原子和分子在它们到处活泼跳跃和相互碰撞、弹开而上升。In everyday solids, liquids and gases, heat or thermal energy arises from the motion of atoms and molecules as they zing around and bounce off each other.

新鲜海味与甘美蔬菜的完美糅合使人不禁想起芥末调味的寿司或鸡尾虾的美味来,但这道开胃菜却显得更纯粹,更明媚,且口感更强烈,构思也更巧妙些。The dish’s marriage of brine and zing calls to mind wasabi-seasoned sushi or shrimp cocktail, but is cleaner, brighter, sharper and more elaborately choreographed than either.

土季节冻结和融化的影响因素主要有雪盖、植被、土壤成分及含水量、地表状况和地形等。The factors that can influence the soil seasonal free zing and thawing include snow -cover, vegetation, the soil component and contain water, the condition of earth, landform and so on.

辣椒可以帮你加快新陈代谢,但真正的好处在于它可以帮你减慢进食的速度,美国营养学会前主席詹姆斯·希尔博士如是说。Hot peppers raise your metabolism, but the real benefit of food with a little zing is that it slows your eating, says James Hill, PhD, past president of the American Society for Nutrition.

人类是习惯性动物,日常的例行事务在生活中是必要的,但长时间墨守常规和习惯会成为一种呆板,从而导致缺乏活力而最终就会转化成为身心疲惫。Expert concedes that humans are creatures of habit, so routines are essential for life. But comforting routines and habits can become deadening. That's when lack of zing can translate into fatigue.