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甚至于可以在屏幕上闪现出分数!You could even flash a scoreboard on screen!

⊙、旁观者的姓名永远爬不到比赛的记分板上。Spectator's name never climb on the scoreboard.

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有了团队精神,屡屡得分便不在话下了。If there's spirit, the scoreboard takes care of itself.

不我说的是记分牌,你意识到我们赢了比赛吗?No I'm saying scoreboard. You do realize we won the game right?

生存的玩家不能在记分板上看到敌人死亡。Changed so live players don't see enemy deaths in the scoreboard.

电子计分牌是体育场馆中不可缺少的重要设备。The electronic scoreboard is essential for stadiums and gymnasiums.

解决了竞技场最终记分板的一些显示问题。Fixed several display issues with the arena battle final scoreboard.

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乐队演奏,球迷欢呼,以及烟花照亮了记分牌。The band plays , the fans cheer, and fireworks light up the scoreboard.

一个是以数字格式显示数字的数字记分牌。One is a digital scoreboard which displays a number in a digital format.

互联网上的体育记分板就是此类应用程序的一个例子。An Internet sports scoreboard is one example of this sort of application.

在这里,所有球迷观看的记分牌会显示得更清晰一些。Here the scoreboard gets a bit better and better to see for all the fans.

你可以通过记分板上的一个选项,随时退出战场。You can now exit a battleground from an option on the scoreboard at all times.

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“我们需要的只是让记分板展现我们的光芒”托瑞说。The spark is there, " Torre said. "We just have to make it show up on the scoreboard.

只要记分牌上的时间还跳动,就不能轻言放弃。As long as the time on the scoreboard is beating, cannot give up speaking out of turn.

中国队为了取得分数板上的最高地位在四轮比赛中小心翼翼、稳中求进。China started slowly before making its way to the top of the scoreboard after four events.

启事上的照片拍摄与空旷的巴尔的摩体育场,计分牌上还写着“肖恩·卢加诺上场”。In a photo of a deserted Baltimore sports stadium, the scoreboard reads SEAN LUGANO FIELD.

水立方赛场的赛况显示牌上显示比赛结果后,塞尔维亚立即提出抗议。Serbia immediately filed a protest once the results were shown on the Water Cube scoreboard.

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当朴泰桓手触游泳池壁时,菲尔普斯已经在抬头查看上方的计时版了。The South Korean touched the wall while Phelps was already looking at the overhead scoreboard.

尽管在第五局索德林完成了保发,但此时他已被两次破发。Soderling got on the scoreboard in the fifth game but he had already been broken twice by then.

直到队友叫他看记分牌时,他才知道他们队获胜了。He did not know that his team had won until his teammates told him to look up at the scoreboard.