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缺乏睡眠会搞坏记忆。Sleep deprivation zaps memory.

拿睡眠剥夺来举个例子。Take sleep deprivation for example.

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任何感觉上的剥夺都不过是暂时的。Any perceived deprivation is only temporary.

其三强调排除极端情形的区域。The third highlights areas of extreme deprivation.

睡眠充足。缺乏睡眠会搞坏记忆。Get plenty of sleep. Sleep deprivation zaps memory.

我建议的答案是剥夺解释。And the answer I propose is the deprivation account.

快速减肥法通常是抑制饮食的结果。Quick weight loss is usually the result of deprivation.

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他用失去自尊来获得了自己的生活。He took his own life with the deprivation of self-esteem.

完全性睡眠剥夺后SP表达上调。Total sleep deprivation up-regulates the expression of SP.

剥夺睡眠则以三小时的夜间课模拟。Sleep deprivation was simulated by a three-hour night class.

有一些在关于感觉剥夺的文学作品里出现。Some of it appears in the literature on sensory deprivation.

当你死的时候,剥夺实际上是什么时候发生的?When you're dead ? When does the deprivation actually occur?

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睡眠缺乏可能也是肥胖症的一个主要诱导因素。Sleep deprivation could be also be a major factor in obesity.

黑眼圈通常是由睡眠不足引起的。Periorbital dark circles are often caused by sleep deprivation.

毋庸置疑,新爸爸和新妈妈们很快就能领受到失眠的厉害。Sleep deprivation can quickly take a toll on new dads and moms.

必要时行剥夺睡眠或药物诱发。Sleeping deprivation or drugs-induced onset was taken if necessary.

单独监禁不涉及任何直接的物质剥夺。Solitary confinement does not involve any direct physical deprivation.

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无休止的选择,睡眠的缺乏,伏特加,这些都让你不舒服。You get sick from the options and the sleep deprivation and the vodka.

无论从事何种工作,睡眠剥夺都是灾难性的。No matter what your job entails, sleep deprivation can be a catastrophe.

短期的睡眠缺乏,可以通过足够的休息来弥补。Short term sleep deprivation can be quickly remedied with adequate rest.