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一柳条箱可容纳的量。This jug will contain a liter.

每耗一千卡,饮一升水。Drink 1 liter per 1000 calories you expend.

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借给我六斗六升好绿豆。Lends my six buckets of six liter mungbean.

所以需要乘以1000毫升每升。So we'll multiply by 1000 milliliters per liter.

即至少四十三公里一升。That is at least forty-three kilometers a liter.

所以结果是1。09*10^5摩尔每升。So it's 1.09 times 10 to the 5th moles per liter.

溶液中浓度可以用摩尔每升给出。And the concentration could be given in moles per liter.

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输出功率的引擎容量每公升115.3马力。The power output per liter of engine capacity is 115.3 bhp.

这是浓度的单位,一般是摩尔每升。This is some concentration unit, typically moles per liter.

这种包装有2升牛奶的容积。The packaging is the same dimension as a 2 liter milk caron.

机身下中心挂点携带一副720公升副油箱。Centre underfuselage station is pumped to carry a 720 liter drop tank.

北京汽油的平均价格每公升从7.55元到7.65元不等。Average petrol prices ranges from 7.55 to 7.65 yuan per liter in Beijing.

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我们节约一滴水、一度电、一升油、一粒粮。We saved a water drop, once the electricity, liter oil, a grain of grain.

那部车的入门级点将是一个1.8升四缸涡轮增压。The entry level point for that car will be a 1.8 liter four-cylinder turbo.

导游把酒与一公升液体混合的罪过掩饰起来.The guide disguised his guilty of mixing the liquor with a liter of liquid.

游把酒与一公升液体混合的罪过掩饰起来。The guide disguised his guilty of mixing the liquor width a liter of liquid.

翻译我们需要一升牛奶、糖和两斤肉做水果沙拉。We need to have a liter of milk, sugar, and 2kg of meat for the fruit salad.

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按照工艺技术要求设计20立升高速混合机。According to technological requirement, 20Cubic liter mixer machine has designed.

我父亲把我送进了一家工业学校,好让我为文学生涯作好准备了。My father send me to an engineering school to prep are me for a liter ary career.

在这一地区的污水中,香草的含量达到了14毫克每升。The region's sewage runoff contains more than 14 milligrams of vanilla per liter.