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西恩。埃文思还是适应性很强。Sean Evans again has been very adaptable.

我适应性很强——我换过很多工作。I am adaptable -----I've changed jobs a lot.

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是你的何种背景让你能适应的呢?What in your background makes you adaptable?

除此之外,长袖衬衫更加适用。Besides, long sleeve shirts are more adaptable.

但是婴儿的可塑性和适应性之强是惊人的。But babies are incredibly flexible and adaptable.

尽管已经50多岁了,他的适应能力并不亚于年轻人。Though he is over50, he is as adaptable as the young.

印度黄檀适于云南干热河谷地区的荒山造林。Dalbergia sissoo can be adaptable in dry-hot valley areas.

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这些交通工具很大,不易改作新的用途。The vehicles are large and not easily adaptable to new uses.

M型立方体移动性,适用性都很强劲,并且十分轻便。M-cube is highly mobile, adaptable and is lightweight as well.

泰国与远方的帝国打交道时可以应付裕如。Thailand could be adaptable in its dealing with distant empires.

大白熊也很适应各种不同的气候。The Great Pyrenees is also very adaptable to different climates.

这组作者指出,鼠疫适应能力极其强大。The authors point out that the plague is extraordinarily adaptable.

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现在雇主们寻找的都是适应性强有开放的头脑的。Employers today seek professionals who are adaptable and open-minded.

这种更新使我们的骨骼异常坚硬,适应性奇强。This renewal keeps our bones incredibly strong and uniquely adaptable.

这一饮食不雅念同英语国度整个哲学系统是相顺应的。This diet idea with English country whole philosophy system is adaptable to a.

方法采用特殊设计的数据结构和算法流程。Conclusion This describable algorithm is flexible, adaptable and accommodating.

尽管如此,适应能力强的公司意识到这不会一直是一种最佳值供需链。However, adaptable firms realize that this is not always a best value solution.

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蛇是十二生肖中唯一的冷血动物,富有灵性,善于变化。Clever and adaptable Snake is the only coldblooded animal in the Chinese zodiac.

确定了9个自然植被类型的适生坡向。Adaptable slope orientations for the 9 natural vegetation types had been confirmed.

可修改的过程允许团队适应项目的策略上的需要。An adaptable process allows the team to adapt to the tactical needs of the project.