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来,让我们可怜结婚者和未婚者。Come, let us pity the married and the unmarried.

但是大多数的人都认为我是大龄未婚青年。But most people think that I am elder unmarried youth.

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彼得亚雷的弟弟爱德华尚未结婚。Edward, Piotr’s younger, unmarried brother, said nothing.

但现在在日本,一半的30岁的女性没有结婚。In Japan, half of all 30-year-old women today are unmarried.

她是一个未婚的女农奴的私生子。She is the illegitimate children of an unmarried female serfs.

有的说,未婚者应先死,因为他们没有家庭责任。Others said unmarried first, for they have no responsibilities.

他在遗嘱中没有给他的未婚姐妹留下财产。His unmarried sisters were left quite unprovided for in the will.

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有时,新郎把新娘的袜带扔向未婚男人们。Sometimes the groom throws the bride's garter to the unmarried men.

按照伊朗的伊斯兰教法,未婚恋人是不能耳鬓厮磨的。Under Iran's Islamic law, unmarried couples are not allowed to mingle.

销售部不要未婚男士,甚至连丧偶的也不要。Unmarried men are not wanted in the Sales Department , not even widowers.

另一个三十多岁的生日和一帮没有结婚的女性朋友。Another thirty-something birthday with a group of unmarried female friends.

家庭公猪,也被称为“獠牙猪”,他们未婚,受雇于氏族。Household boars, or tuskers, are unmarried boars that are hired into a clan.

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一次一个未婚的熟人被安排和一桌男性实习消防员同席。An unmarried acquaintance was once placed on a table of male trainee firemen.

我是来自中国的刘,英语教师,收入颇丰,未婚。I'm Liu from China, a teacher of English, with a wonderful salary, unmarried.

剩男剩女是指超过晚婚年龄仍未婚嫁的青年男女。The "left" male and female refer to the unmarried young people of both sexes.

这样我们就得到了特定的概念,单身汉就是没有结婚的。Ok so we got certain ideas, the idea of bachelors the idea of being unmarried.

学者或学生的配偶及未满21岁的未婚子女。F-2 scholars or students, spouses and unmarried children under 21 years of age.

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目的探讨未婚先孕女性心理健康状况。Objective To investigate the mental healthy status of unmarried pregnant women.

据考证,男人们特指为,老婆待嫁之妹妹也!It has been proved that it is used to refer to the unmarried sister for the men.

两人慨叹不幸身为青年未婚留学生的麻烦。They both bewailed their misfortune at being young, unmarried returned students.