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设计有销路的服装。The design of saleable garments.

你的产品适合在国际市场上销售吗?Is this your product saleable in the international market?

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1985年,进行改造后,实用面积达1371平方米。In 1985, the saleable area reaches 1371 square meters after decoration.

试想一想,实用面积和建筑面积相差太大的房子,谁会喜欢?Imagine saleable area and the construction of a big house, who would like?

通用汽车一直承诺,到2010年推出可销售的样车,但始终未能兑现。GM long promised to have a saleable prototype ready by 2010 but never delivered one.

因此他们需要进口香料,以使他们的货物如预想中可供出售So they had to import that to make their goods as saleable as they wanted and so on.

我认为免费音乐的时代已接近我们,而专辑作为一个畅销物品的时代将要死去。I declared the era of free music to be upon us and the album as a saleable item dead.

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没有市场准入,我们无法在任何地方提出可推行的保持平衡的一揽子计划。Without market access we can’t have a balanced package in any saleable sense anywhere.

洋房有盖面积包括实用面积、窗台面积及热水炉房面积。House Covered Area includes the Saleable Area, area of bay window and area of boiler room.

下一步将是检查他找回的为数不多的几瓶葡萄酒中是否仍有可以销售的。The next step will be to see if any of the few bottles that he's recovered are still saleable.

汽车不像电脑或手机那样,只要放到一个方形的柜台里就能卖得出去。Putting vehicles in a quadrate counter like computers and cell phones is not necessarily saleable.

我们的产品质量优秀,价格适中,在贵方市场上一定很畅销。Our products are superior in quality and moderate in price and are sure to be saleable in your market.

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这类项目也可以获得可转售的减排额度,可以用于实现京都议定书规定的减排目标。Such projects can also earn saleable emission-abatement credits that can be used to meet Kyoto targets.

再不专业不精明的购房者,看看价格和实用面积的两相对比,也能判断值不值。If the professional is not smart property buyers to see the two prices and saleable compared can judge worth.

实用面积是以建筑物结构为依据,描述某楼宇的所有权和占用状况。Saleable area is based on the structure of buildings, a description of the property ownership and occupancy status.

银行家郁郁寡欢地抱怨上帝没有睡眠也制成一种像食品或饮料那样可以买卖的商品。The banker complained sadly that providence had not made sleep a saleable commodity, like edibles or drinkables.having

很多产品因为外观精美,如由彩色塑料或其他特殊材料制成,而使其更加畅销。Many products, such as those made from colored plastics or other special materials, are more saleable because of appearance.

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建筑中,商业类型的大厅为了让可售面积最大化,往往是黑暗的,让人引起幽闭恐惧。Lobbies in commercial typologies, more often than not, are dark and claustrophobic to maximize saleable area in the building.

如果将财产权延伸到河床底部过度捕鱼会并且需要购买“污染许可”才能污染城市的话,过度捕鱼的行为一定会减少。Over-fishing could be reduced by extending property rights to the sea bed and urban pollution by saleable "pollution permits".

洋房有盖面积包括实用面积、车库面积及冷气机房面积。House Covered Area includes Saleable Area, and the area of Carport and Variable Refrigerant Volumne Air-Conditioning Plant Room.