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苏联工农***政权裙钗不休息。No rest for Soviet women.

该死的,就像个苏维埃官员!Like a Soviet officer, dammit!

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伊尔-86是苏联的首架大型中短程喷气客机。Il-86 is the first soviet airbus.

他总结出了整个苏联的纷纷扰扰。He summarizes the Soviet imbroglio

苏联宇航员讲俄语。The Soviet cosmonauts spoke Russian.

新中国海军转而学习苏联。China learnt from Soviet Navy instead.

我的专业是俄语和苏联研究。My major was Russian and Soviet studies.

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美国发现苏联把核导弹部署于古巴。US spots Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba.

他握住一位苏联工人的手臂。Wrapping his arms about a Soviet workman.

苏联拒绝了巴鲁克计划。The Soviet Union rejected the Baruch Plan.

为苏联的英雄所颁发的国家胸章。State awards for Heroes of the Soviet Union.

苏联骑士正在他的铠甲内死去。The Soviet knight is dying inside his armor.

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这个摩天轮还是苏联时期的时候建的。The big wheel was built at the Soviet times.

我投靠苏联之后受的伤。I got it after defecting to the Soviet Union.

纳粹德国向苏联发动战争。Nazi Gemany levied war upon the Soviet Union.

图波列夫TB-1是苏维埃轰炸机。The Tupolev TB-1 is a Soviet bomber aircraft.

苏联军队未能提前越过吐鲁番。GPU Soviet troops did not advance beyond Turfan.

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朱可夫是前苏联的一位元帅。Zhukov was a marshal of the former Soviet Union.

它不像苏联的那个那么坚固宽广。It's not so impregnable or wide as the Soviet one.

第三个传统,苏联批租。The third tradition demised with the Soviet Union.