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马达加斯加是一个让人惊叹的藏宝之岛。Madagascar is a trove of the wondrous.

奥波利博士差点自己就找到了这堆信件。Dr. Olby almost discovered the trove himself.

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这个区域还是生物多样性的宝库。And the region remains a trove of biodiversity.

这看上去就像一笔正待瓜分的无主宝藏。It looks like a treasure trove ripe for plundering.

警察开始整理有价值的物证。The police began sorting through a trove of physical evidence.

目前在“奋进”陨石坑便有一个地质发现的“百宝箱”。And now they have a potential treasure trove in Endeavour Crater.

反保密组织维基揭密又公布一批美国的秘密文件。The anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks has released another trove of U.

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雷特兹估计,仅柯达公司独家拥有的专利可能就价值数亿美元。Kodak’s patent trove alone could be worth “hundreds of millions, ” Reitzes figures.

就像他自己是个自律的军人一样,他将把他的秘密宝藏带进坟墓。Like the disciplined militant he is, he will take his trove of secrets to the grave.

不只是因为它是伟大的邦德电影,而且它是文化试金石的宝库。Not only is it a great Bond film, but it's a treasure trove of cultural touchstones.

各类与可用性相关智慧的地下宝藏,包括防护性设计在内。A treasure trove of all sorts of usability-related wisdom, including defensive design.

幸运的是,彭布雷有机会利用另一组宝贵的遗传数据库。By coincidence, Pembrey had access to another incredible trove of genetic information.

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雷磊回想起两个人没日没夜地试图转卖他们窃取的虚拟财产。Mr. Lei recalls the two spent every waking moment trying to resell their virtual trove.

这笔收购的焦点在于摩托罗拉公司高达17,000项现有及7,500项待批专利的宝库。The key is Motorola's patent treasure trove of 17,000 patents and 7,500 awaiting approval.

“好莱坞泄密”组织称他们持有大量有价值的电话号码和许多电影剧本。Hollywood Leaks claims to have a trove of phone numbers as well as a number of film scripts.

与这些银行分歧的是,马云手中控制的数据使他对这些小公司能否实时付款还款洞若观火。Mr Ma, in contrast, has a trove of data revealing whether small firms pay their bills on time.

一个美丽的女人是一颗钻石,一个好的女人是一个宝库。三八妇女节快乐!A beautiful woman is a diamond, a good woman is a treasure trove. Happy International Women's Day!

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但是这堆旧唱片可能对另一个手里有多余自行车的人是无价之宝。But thatbin of old vinyl might be a treasure trove to someone with an extra bicycle ontheir hands.

把他们统统都笼统的归位一类,相当于让孩子错过一个学习机会的珍贵宝藏。To clump them all into one category is to miss out on a huge treasure trove of learning opportunities.

这笔巨大的财宝几个世纪来一直深埋地下,直到这个月初才重见天日。The huge treasure trove lay undetected for centuries before it was brought to light earlier this month.