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或者更糟,里面潜藏着危险?Or worse, were there dangers lurking?

难道她曾看见他潜伏在外面?Had she seen him lurking about outside?

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这张图潜藏在这儿,是的。Graph is lurking somewhere in there, it is.

在平安夜的浓雾当中潜伏著什麽的大阴谋?And what is lurking in the fogs of Christmas Eve?

恐惧是潜伏于我们内心的众多敌人之一。Fear is one of the many enemies lurking inside us.

有一个可疑的人在外面鬼鬼祟祟地活动。There's a suspicious looking man lurking about outside.

但这些数字中潜藏着性别失衡。But there is a gender imbalance lurking in these numbers.

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隐藏在幕后的那股力量就是"基础概率效应"。Lurking behind all of these cases is the "base-rate effect".

看看在医药箱和水池下面有些什么东西。See what’s lurking in the medicine cabinet and under the sink.

在脏水和动物粪便中还有其他潜在危险。There are other dangers lurking in muddy water and animal feces.

窃贼藏匿在角落里候着毫无戒备之心的受害者。The thief has been lurking in a corner for his unsuspecting victims.

该死的伪君子说过,害怕坟地的人,都是相信那些神秘主义的。Said the damn hypocrite who's afraid of graveyard lurking occultists.

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不过,进步的背后,隐藏着亟待复辟的旧观点。Lurking behind progress, though, are oldideas waiting to be reapplied.

你可能有什么不愉快,你就会发现隐藏惊讶。You might be unpleasantly surprised at what you'll find lurking there.

康维用手指了指一只紫色的葡萄牙僧帽水母,它正悄无声息地朝他们左侧游来。Conway pointed to a purple Portuguese man-of-war lurking to their left.

要是一个就业局二年前就倒闭了,为什么你还在那里徘徊不前呢?Why are you still lurking on that job board that dried up two years ago?

我们看得出,美国把朗软禁起来,派出保卫人员埋伏在此。All we see of America is Lang’s compound and its lurking security guards.

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潜伏在一些好的观点中有的是攻讦。And there, lurking among dozens of well-intentioned opinions, is a troll.

俄罗斯水域出产的皇后蟹现已进佔港威酒店!The Russian Queen Crabs are found lurking around Gateway hotel, Marco Polo!

然后他们发现同样的病毒也潜伏在三趾树懒基因组里。They then found the same virus lurking in the genome of the three-toed sloth.