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最后我妥协了。Eventually I caved in.

试着跑起来。Eventually try running.

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最后,弗兰妮晕倒了。Eventually Franny faints.

他的一番话最终被人理解了。Eventually his remarks sank in.

她终归会明白的。She will understand eventually.

但她最终接受了这份工作。But eventually she took the job.

现在上帝的选民终于进入了Now eventually the elect come in.

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可是最后还是如雾般消散。But eventually dissipated as Wuban.

或者,逐渐暗淡,终于慢慢地熄灭。Or it dims and eventually dies out.

但这一规划却终归失败。But the programme eventually failed.

我认为他最终会回心转意的。I think he'll come round eventually.

她总算完事了。She has eventually finished the job.

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这场战争,最终JYJ会胜利的。This fight, eventually JYJ will win.

最终就有了神灵的降临。Eventually gods will begin to emerge.

并在一八三一年最终失去比利时They eventually lose Belgium in 1831.

然而最终我的身体将会分解But eventually my body will decompose.

实际上我成了那个家庭的一员。Eventually I became one of the family.

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最后以50比49赢得了比赛。eventually they win the game 50 to 49.

最终,普维斯的队伍还是赢了。Eventually Purvis's team got their man.

最终拯救整个基因组吗?Eventually a whole genome?” Hecht said.