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货币名称为法国法郎。Currency name for the French franc.

瑞士法郎是一种硬货币。The Swiss franc is a hard currency.

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由迈克尔.G.法郎在2010年12月21日编写by Michael G. Franc December 21, 2010

卡本纳-佛朗是智利的一颗小宝石。Cabernet Franc is a small gem for Chile.

瑞郎兑欧元周一在1.3065附近交投.The franc was trading around 1.3065 per euro on Monday.

因为它们的瑞士法郎是我们列表中最贵的货币。Their franc is the most expensive currency on our list.

黄金和瑞郎才是真正的避险资产.Gold and the Swiss franc are really the only safe havens.

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本月,瑞士法郎对欧元的汇率创下新的记录。This month, the franc hit a record high against the euro.

美元兑瑞士法郎报0.8769瑞士法郎,上周五尾盘报0.8636瑞士法郎。The dollar was at 0.8769 Swiss franc from 0.8636 franc late Friday.

你来到蔬菜店,想花一法郎买一公斤土豆。You go to the greengrocer"s to spend a franc on a kilogram of potatoes."

这使市场青睐的货币承受压力,例如瑞士法郎和日元。That puts pressure on market favourites like the Swiss franc and the yen.

100法郎的钞票显示20世纪瑞士艺术家阿尔贝托·贾科梅蒂。The 100 franc note features Alberto Giacometti, a 20th century Swiss artist.

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科摩罗法郎是岛国科摩罗的官方货币。The Comorian franc is the official currency of the island nation of Comoros.

老天有眼,这场危机反倒使巴黎和法郎受害颇深。With poetic justice, the crisis recoiled against Paris and destroyed the franc.

这种抢购位将马克对法郎的兑换价立即推动到无利可图的价格点。Such a rush drives up the mark- franc prices to the no-profit-opportunity point.

瑞郎随之上扬,今天亚洲时段保持平稳。The Franc firmed on the announcement, and remained very steady in Asian trade today.

法国的法朗和德国的马克正在国际间也流通,是吗?The French franc and the deutsche mark are also in use between countries, aren't they?

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迈克尔.G.法郎是美国传统基金会负责政府关系的副主席。Michael G. Franc is vice president of government relations for the Heritage Foundation.

一个法郎是指一个含有纯度为千分之九百的黄金六十五点五毫克的单位。A franc means a unit consisting of 65.5 milligrammes of gold of millesimal fineness 900'.

以英镑、欧元和瑞郎等货币计价的黄金价格,也在本月稍早触及纪录高位.Gold also reached record highs in sterling, euro and Swiss franc terms earlier this month.