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当局于今晨较早的时间释放了该位社交名流。Authorities freed the socialite early this morning.

原来他有点像交际花-那是我的男孩!Turns out he's a bit of a socialite – that's my boy!

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但是沃思夫人呢,华府的名流?But what of Mrs. Longworth, the celebrated Washington socialite?

我讨厌被称为社会名流胜过被称为社会主义者。I hate being called a socialite more than being called a socialist.

此外,社交名媛帕里斯·希尔顿也是第29届金酸莓奖的一大“赢家”。Socialite Paris Hilton was the other big award-winner at the 29th annual Golden Raspberry Awards.

人们可能会以为她只是一个交际花,但甜美的笑容背后的谎言不仅仅是一件非常时髦的晾衣架。People may think she's just a socialite but behind that sweet smile lies more than just an extremely stylish clotheshorse.

此外,委内瑞拉裔设计师卡罗拉在1981年成立个人时尚品牌前就是纽约名流。The Venezualan-born, New York-based designer was a socialite before making her name in fashion launching her label in 1981.

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帕丽斯。希尔顿回到了女子监狱。这位社交名流在将近一周之后才从医护牢房转入女子监狱的。And Paris Hilton is back in an all-women's jail. The socialite was transferred after spending nearly a week in a medical ward.

拍摄者叫罗西·纽曼,是一位社会名流和业余电影制作人,同当时的约克公爵是邻居。It was shot by Rosie Newman, a socialite and amateur film-maker, whose family lived next door to then Duke and Duchess of York.

在1894年纽约名流塞缪尔•班尼迪克发明了这个经典的可帮助你从一夜狂欢的宿醉中恢复过来的食物。In 1894, New York socialite Samuel Benedict invented the quintessential morning after meal while recovering from a big night out.

很快地,在杰出的社会名流、医务慈善家玛丽•拉斯科尔的帮助下,他开始大展宏图。Soon, he was working on an even grander scale, with the help of an extraordinary socialite and medical philanthropist, Mary Lasker.

在出席纽约的游乐园及夜总会嘉年华开幕式时,这位28岁的社交名媛抱着一只名为“本特利”的小黑猩猩并对它献上香吻。The 28-year-old socialite cuddled up to Bentley the chimpanzee at the opening of amusement park and nightclub Carnival in New York.

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在,名媛赵欣喻爆料给媒体说章子怡之所以被泼墨是因为她与一名已婚富商有染。On January 1, socialite Zhao Xinyu revealed to the media that Zhang was being punished for her involvement with a married businessman.

在2010年1月12日,名媛赵欣喻爆料给媒体说章子怡之所以被泼墨是因为她与一名已婚富商有染。On January 12, socialite Zhao Xinyu revealed to the media that Zhang was being punished for her involvement with a married businessman.

她被关的时间比妮可·里奇,和林赛·罗翰加起来还多。她只是个被诬陷偷手镯的名媛。She's already served more time Than nicole richie and lindsay lohan combined. She's a socialite mistakenly accused of stealing a bracelet.

格兰特之前有过多段高调的感情,包括伊丽莎白·赫利,2007年分手的社交名媛杰米玛·柯寒。Grant has had several high-profile previous relationships, including with Elizabeth Hurley and socialite Jemima Khan, from whom he split in 2007.

在法国街区的中心有一座装饰华丽的宅邸,它在十九世纪属于内科医生路易斯·拉劳里和他的社交名流妻子戴尔芬。In the heart of the French Quarter lies an ornate mansion that in the 1800s belonged to physician Louis LaLaurie and his socialite wife Delphine.

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美国交际花、骨瘦如柴的电视真人秀女星妮可·�奇名列第三,英国女星塞妮娜·米勒位居第五。U.S. socialite Nicole Richie, the rail-thin reality TV star, came in third place and British actress Sienna Miller rounded off the top five in fifth.

在她逃离现场的时候媒体紧紧尾随跟踪她,想尽办法耍花招找寻最好的方位来拍这位社会名流,他们在洛杉矶的高速公路上跟监了数英里。The media dogged Hilton as she made her getaway, jockeying for position and snapping photos of the socialite for miles along the Los Angeles freeway system.

她给出一个例子,媒体炒作出了社会名流帕丽斯希尔顿,然后是戴珊家庭,去年又产生了戈瑟琳家庭。She uses as an example the evolution of media hype generated by socialite Paris Hilton, which shifted to the Kardashian family and, last year, to the Gosselins.