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这是黑手党的做法It's the purpose of the mafia.

我们不想要战争法姆维尔或黑手党的球迷。We don t want Farmville or Mafia Wars fans.

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他的竞选活动有黑手党的财务资助。His election campaign was bankrolled by the Mafia.

这是真的。可能这个法官是意大利黑手党的傀儡。True. Maybe the judge is a stooge of the Italian mafia.

或者他只是想再次和黑手党们搞好关系?Or does he just want to get in good with the mafia again?

镇公所大厅展出了新开发平面图。The town hall mafia will prevent this plan going through.

有人将不断壮大的YC毕业生关系网称为"YC匪帮"。Some refer to its growing network of graduates as the YC mafia.

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一个打算成为毒品贩的人卷入了警察与黑手党的纷争。Would-be drug dealers are caught between the police and the Mafia.

黑手党雇佣了一名职业杀手去追杀一名法庭上的重要证人。The Mafia hired a hit man to go after the key-witness in the trial.

其他还有诸如飞吻、祖母式亲吻和黑手党教父式亲吻。There is also the air kiss, the grandma kiss, and the mafia don kiss.

张鸣说,大学正变得越来越像一个黑社会组织。The university was becoming more like a mafia organization, Zhang said.

混迹黑道得哥哥结下了太多得梁子,最终被仇家乱刀砍死。Blend the Mafia have too many brother, his enemy disorderly constantly sword.

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为什么黑手党可以从洗衣店中赚钱而兜售毒品的街头混混却不能?How do the Mafia make money from laundries when street gangs pushing drugs don't?

像小偷,强盗,再战,黑手党和当地的坏人入侵我们的国家。Local bad guys like Thief, Robber, Corruptor, and Mafia are invading our country.

他是一个犯罪集团的头头,所以当他一进门,所有人都自动闪出一条道来给他。Everybody steps aside when he comes in because he is the big shot of a mafia gang.

这个狡猾的黑社会头目因抓不到指控他的好把柄而只好以捏造的罪名受审。Mafia leader had to be tried on a trumped- up charge, for lack of anything better.

墨索里尼曾自1924年发动了战争,以摆脱西西里黑手党的世界。Mussolini had been waging a war since 1924 to rid the world of the Sicilian Mafia.

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Lincoln不明白为什么这是个道德问题,他只是顺手推舟地解决掉一个黑手党凶徒。Lincoln doesn’t see the moral problem of facilitating the death of a mafia scumbag.

很明显,这是一个威胁,很有黑手党的范儿。This was a threat, of course, familiar to those who have been visited by the mafia.

这些游戏的主要问题是“赞美黑社会生活。”The games in question would be those that "promote the glorification of mafia life."