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就是大海捞针。It is a needle in a haystack.

这堆干草可是无穷庞大。That haystack is infinitely large.

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这就像在干草垛里找一根针。We're looking for a needle in a haystack here.

来个草堆比喻好了。Plus, you toss in the famous haystack metaphor.

这个逃犯钻在草堆里。The runaway burrowed himself into the haystack.

列过往火车迸发出的一些火花点着了干草堆。Some sparks from a passing train set the haystack on fire.

这堆干草如果受到闪电轰击很快就会烧光。If lightning strikes, the haystack will be burned up in no time.

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曾经的草垛上的草原景观熟悉的景象。The haystack was once a familiar sight on the prairie landscape.

美国终于找到了一个庞大而危险的草垛长期寻求的针。S. had finally found the long-sought needle in a huge and dangerous haystack.

这是马儿的回答,”从你竭力爬到我背亡来的模样儿看来,随便什么人都会认为我是个高高的干草堆了。Anyone would think I was a haystack from the way you're trying to climb up me!

像他这种人如同沧海一粟,非常稀少,我相信他是真的希望我成功。He was a needle in a haystack in that I think he really cared about my success.

有了美国政府的豁免,西普现在在伊朗忙着部署“草垛”。With his U.S. government waivers in hand, Heap is now deploying Haystack in Iran.

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如果你只搜索了草堆的一半就很难找到针。You can’t find the needle in the haystack if you’re searching only half the haystack!

经过许多个通宵,不到一个月,西普和他的朋友做出了“草垛”。Less than a month and many all-nighters later, Heap and a friend had created Haystack.

由于体育场内助山人海,要找一小我那几乎像年夜海捞针一样难。With thousands of people in the stadium, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

你不可能在一大群人中找到他,你这样是大海捞针。You can never find him in such a large crowd of people. You're looking for a needle in a haystack.

有时候在互联网上找东西就和大海捞针一样难。Sometimes trying to find something on the worldwide web is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

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我们在Gaga乱蓬蓬的假发之下看到的是一个有关如何在时下的音乐行业取得成功的案例分析。Underneath Gaga's haystack wigs is a case study of what it takes to succeed in the music business today.

就算是想要具有金刚狼般上天入地的超能力并不大现实,不过这样的发现还是相当的令人感到意外。This has allowed us to find these new mutations, which are like very small needles in a very large haystack.

突然他听到草堆里有动静,仔细一看,原来在大树下的草丛里有一只鹿!Suddenly he heard a haystack has happened, you look closely, the original grass under a big tree there is a deer!