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关注是无声的,绵绵不断的赞赏。Attention is a tacit and continual compliment.

因此相关联隐性知识也将永远伴随着我们。Relational tacit knowledge will also always be with us.

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一经放松下来,我们俩就达成一种默契——共同分享她了。Once relaxed, we came to a tacit agreement to share her.

没有了隐性知识,人类世界将随之消失。Take away tacit knowledge and the human world disappears.

隐性知识是非显性、有时无法显性化的知识Tacit knowledge is not and sometimes cannot be made explicit

于是就骑自行车而言也就不那么隐性了。So that aspect of bike-riding is not quite so tacit after all.

波兰尼的默会认识理论具有深刻的辩证法内涵。The theory of tacit knowledge embodies deep dialectical spirit.

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新的伊拉克政权在我们的默许下剥夺了逊尼派精英的权力。The new Iraqi regime, with our tacit approval, disempowered the Sunni elite.

在这些“免费”资源的正当使用方面,存在一些默认的协定。There are tacit agreements governing the fair use of these “free” resources.

这是一个隐性技术知识传播的过程。Tacit technical knowledge should be externalized explicit technical knowledge.

隐性知识是非显性、有时无法显性化的知识。Tacit knowledge is knowledge that is not and sometimes cannot be made explicit.

我们最大的问题在于,隐性知识是否,或者说何时,可以显性化。The big question is whether, or how far, this tacit knowledge can be made explicit.

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DNF北京一区的灵犀之心粉戒指能卖多少?Can pink ring of heart of one area of DNF Beijing tacit understanding sell a number?

此外,我也采用澄明的深睡或在无梦的深睡保持默然的目睹。I also refer to pellucid deep sleep, or tacit witnessing in the deep dreamless state.

因此,隐性技术知识生产、显性化、传播后最关键的环节就是如何利用隐性技术知识为企业创造价值。The key study course is how to make use of tacit technical knowledge to create value.

并且对金俞公司的隐性知识管理案例进行了实证分析。It also makes an practical analysis to the tacit knowledge management of JinYu Company.

他们因为配合默契被队友称作黄金搭档。They were called the Golden Pair by their teammates because of their tacit cooperation.

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这意味着我们可以更平和的看待隐性知识,揭开它的神秘面纱。This means we can take a calmer look at tacit knowledge and remove some of the mystery.

认识到显形知识和隐形知识对一个机构的重要性。The recognition of the importance of both explicit and tacit knowledge to an organization.

为了找到其概念的存在空间,波兰尼提出了“隐性知识”,这似乎比现象本身更为神秘。To find a space for his idea, Polanyi made tacit knowledge seem more mysterious than it is.