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更有意识地控制会议进程More consciously passing the conch

他有意在公开场合避开她。He consciously stood off her in the publicity.

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他有意识地在克服自己的缺点。He is consciously trying to overcome his weakness.

如果是这样子,关掉它,决定有意识的生活。If so, turn it off and decide to live consciously.

苏宁那只握着我的手,不自觉地抖了一下。Su Ning's holding my hand, not consciously tremble.

后来他们自觉理亏,改变了态度。Later, they consciously wrong, changed his attitude.

所以这个职业只能靠自知之明来选择。So this profession should be chosen only consciously.

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我在编程时不会有意识地去想该做什么。I'm not really thinking that much about it consciously.

一看到她的前夫,她有意避开了。Seeing her former husband, she stood aside consciously.

他们并不有意识地把自己当作一个阶层来看待。They do not consciously think of themselves as a class.

她的声音时起时落,有意识地用着一种甜美的唱腔。Her voice rises, falls, in a consciously sweet singsong.

弹击的次数到自觉微累为止。The number of times to consciously flip slightly tired so far.

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这些文化可能是有意或无意间建立的。Those cultures can be built consciously or evolve inadvertently.

有意识的,人就会感受到两只手都是自己的。Consciously people experience this as both hands being their own.

Zope3有意识的隔离本地和全局的组件。Zope 3 separates consciously between local and global components.

男孩自觉理亏,就红着脸爬下了树。Boy consciously indefensible, red-faced climbed down from the tree.

而到了午休时间,机关干部们自觉关闭办公室日光灯。By morning time, cadres have consciously closed office fluorescent.

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在跑步中,应该下意识地模仿这种步法来避免脚跟先着地的情况。Mimic this by consciously avoiding landing on your heels as you run.

亚马逊没有故意或蓄意地选择性删除这些评论。Amazon did not knowingly or consciously choose to remove the reviews.

他们不自觉地投票表决,这一切只是一种副产物。They’re not consciously voting for the story—the vote is a byproduct.