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得了皮肤病怎么办?How to get dermatosis to do?

皮肤病吃什么水果?What fruit does dermatosis eat?

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这种皮肤病怎么治?。How is this kind of dermatosis treated?

这是什么皮肤病?该怎么治?。What dermatosis is this? How should treat?

腿部上的皮肤病用什么能治好啊?With what can the dermatosis on leg ministry cure?

请问谁知道,治疗皮肤病的医院?Who knows excuse me, treat the hospital of dermatosis ?

性病和皮肤病的传染途径是那些?。Venereal the contagion with dermatosis is the way those?

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结论皮肤病的临床治疗效果是好的。Conclusion Clinical effects of treating dermatosis was good.

皮肤病血毒丸就是皮肤血毒丸么?Is dermatosis blood poisonous bolus skin blood poisonous bolus ?

皮肤病怎么治疗?要简单的方法,一次性解决的那种。How is dermatosis treated? Want simple method, one-time solve the sort of.

目的了解面部皮肤病患者蠕形螨感染情况。Objective To investigate the demodex infection of facial dermatosis patients.

银屑病又称白疕,是一种常见的慢性炎症性皮肤病。Psoriasis is a kind of dermatosis that is commonly seen , chronic and inflammatory.

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皮肤病病变损害处,皮开肉绽及烫伤处一般不宜推拿。Massage is not used for dermatosis with pathologic changes and injuries, bruise and scald.

目的观察博泰软膏治疗常见皮肤病的疗效。Objective To observe the efficacy of Botai ointment in the treatment of common dermatosis.

目的了解皮肤病患者的自测健康状况,评估临床疗效。Objective To find out self-rated health on patients with dermatosis and assess clinical effect.

酒渣鼻是发生在中年人鼻部及面部的一种慢性炎症性皮肤病。Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis occurring on the face and nose of middle-aged persons.

我听说有种病叫做“股藓”的皮肤病,这个是怎么样的?有什么药可以治疗的?I hear of kind of disease is called " moss " dermatosis , is this how? What medicine can be treated?

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目的探讨重症皮肤病患者使用暴露疗法的有效护理。Objective To probe into the effective nursing of the patients with sever dermatosis used the exposed therapy.

内脏肿瘤的皮肤表现可以分为副肿瘤性皮肤病及皮肤转移瘤。Skin manifestations of internal malignancy are divided to paraneoplastic dermatosis and metastatic tumors of skin.

外用皮质激素、抗变态反应药和抗真菌药仍是皮肤病的主要用药。Corticosterone for topical use, antiallergic drugs and antifungal drugs are still the main drugs used for dermatosis.