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它具有真正开放的现代性。It is provided with the true exoteric modernity.

中学时读过一本通俗现代小说。I just read one exoteric modern novel in my high school.

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目前我国开放式基金总体显示了专家理财的优势。At present, China's exoteric funds show the advance of specialist financing on the whole.

滑坡行为表现为复杂的、开放的和耗散的非线性动力学演化特徵。The nonlinear kinetic characters of landslip action are complex, exoteric and dissipated.

它具有社会系统的所有特点,其中主要的是开放系统的特点。It is provided with all social system's peculiarity, and thereinto, the exoteric system is primary.

他的大部分工作是书面的风格,适合于既开放和深奥的解释。Much of his work is written in a style that lends itself to both exoteric and esoteric interpretations.

明确了公寓人文建设的内容应该是传统的、开放的人文。The article makes it clear that the content of flat humanities construction should be traditional and exoteric.

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与长篇小说相比,短篇小说有着更加适合叙事实验的灵活、开放的艺术形式。Comparing with long story, short story has more flexible and exoteric artic form that adapts to the narrating attempt.

从民族文化类型的特点上看,这里的塔吉克族属于开放容纳型民族。According to the character of the national culture type, Tajik people in this village can be considered as an exoteric nation.

顺应中国传统文化与开拓精神相融合的潮流,以开放的眼界、写意的情怀、高远的睿智面对生活、工作是每个年轻人的课题。Now every young people should have the exoteric eyereach , the enjoyable heart, the long-range sagacity in their life and work.

深奥玄秘学很难被大众所理解,除非它在学生的生命里清楚地显示出道德上的特性。The esoteric is very hard to make exoteric unless it clearly demonstrates an ethical nature that is manifest in the disciple's life.

新文学和俗文学之关系关涉文学规范的调整和文学史的书写。The relationships between new literature and exoteric literature involve literary normalization and the writing of literary history.

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由于社会是一个开放的复杂巨系统,使得舆论传播过程呈现出异常纷繁复杂的现象。Since human society is an exoteric and huge complexity system, the process of the infection of public opinion is numerous and complicated.

关于先锋小说的先锋性,文学理论界普遍认同的是其反叛意识。For the problem of the pioneer novelistic specialty, the universal identity of literature & exoteric circle is its bolshie's consciousness.

研究了该系统设计中的开放的体系结构、数据同步融合和决策建模等关键技术。Some key techniques in the system design such as exoteric system structure, data synchronous fusion and modeling of decision were researched.

本论文还通过体外实验对多孔磷酸钙陶瓷在模拟体液中类骨磷灰石形成的过程和影响因素进行了探讨。This thesis discussed that formation and effect of bone-like apatite on porous calcium phosphate ceramics in SBF through exoteric experiment.

我没有忘记我能与他沟通的途径,对于一个亲爱的儿子,正在以自然本性和其它的一般人所能理解的教导有关的主题做一些著述。I have not forgotten that I have addressed to him, as to a dear son, several writings on Nature and other subjects relating to exoteric teaching.

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引入市场机制,实现社会化办学,使学校以更开放的姿态融入城市社会中。Introducing the market mechanism and realizing the socialism school-running promote the school to enter the urban society with more exoteric pose.

认识经济法体系,同样应当持开放的心态,以应对开放社会所产生繁杂问题。It should hold exoteric intention if want to understand economy law, in order to answer many miscellaneous problems that are produced by open society.

唐廷枢的一生将给今天开放的中国和中国人留下许多值得借鉴的地方,这就是今天重提唐廷枢的重要原因。TangTingsu left behind a lot of valuable things for the exoteric China and the Chinese people today. That is the reason why I talk about TangTingsu here.