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他是如此明智。He was so wise.

别自作聪明。Don't look wise.

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你真聪明!How wise of you!

聪明的人看得远。The wise look far.

他是位英明领袖。He is a wise leader.

谨慎小心会导致忧心忡忡。Wise care begets care.

杰克笑了,“真是智语,谢谢你。Jack smiled. "Very wise.

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她那样做是明智的。She was wise to do that.

聪明见行为,空话不顶用。Be wise in deed, not word.

他是有勇无谋。He is more wise than brave.

我发现他是一个很聪明的人。I find him a very wise man.

尤达是睿智的绝地大师。Yoda is a wise Jedi Master.

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智者不惑。A wise man is never confused.

智者一言足矣/明白人不用细说。A word to the wise is enough.

这是那三位贤士。These are the three wise men.

没有人是生而知之。No man is born wise or learns.

这着棋太妙了。This is an extremely wise move.

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欣赏一种艺术需要智慧的细胞。Enjoy the art needs a wise cell.

对聪明人来说,刚够已是丰足了。Enough is abundance to the wise.

我要怎麽慎选食物?How can I make wise food choices?