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工作是对永恒的否定。Work is the negation of eternity.

此外,请尽量少用否定。Also, please try to minimize negation.

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否定的背后依旧是利益之争。Negation is still behind the interests.

我在前面写上否定的标志。I put the negation sign in front of that.

对一个表达式执行逻辑求反操作。Performs logical negation on an expression.

第三种情况叫做元语言否定。This kind of negation is metalinguistic negation.

一切规定性的基础都是否定。The foundation of all determinateness is negation.

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元语否定是常见的语言现象。Metalinguistic Negation is a very common Phenomenon.

艾丽娜摇了摇头,是出于困惑,而非否定。Irena shook her head, but in bewilderment, not negation.

对无极的否认会直接导向虚无主义。The negation of the infinite leads straight to nihilism.

这个称为基于经典逻辑的否定。This is called negation and is based on classical logic.

音乐是对句子的否定,是一种反词语!Music was the negation of sentences, music was the anti-word!

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在每一个场合你都有”否定知识”的体验。Now in each case you have instances of knowledge as negation.

学术上的否定不能违反逻辑与基本常识。But academic negation should not betray logic and common sense.

在负的模态词中,“拒斥”是最强的认知否定。In negative modals, "Deny" modal is the strongest cognitive negation.

汉语中与否定有关的现象都可以由衍推关系得到解释。Some phenomena of negation in Chinese can be explained by entailment.

确实,一切遭天罚的大罪都以其奇特的方式损坏美。All the deadly sins, indeed, have their own peculiar negation of beauty.

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Widdows发现使用基于量子逻辑的否定可以更好的工作。Widdows has found that a negation based on quantum logic works much better.

我读过的浮士德中,撒旦是一个黑色圣灵。I had read of Satan as der Geist der stets verneint, the Spirit of Negation.

量词和否定词交互关系产生辖域歧义。Quantifier and negation interact with each other to produce scope ambiguity.