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我非常喜欢在泰弗尔学习,而我的英语水平也在不知不觉中有了进步。I really enjoy my studying in TEFL and my English has improved a lot.

信息时代的到来为英语教学的发展带来新的契机。The advent of the Age of Information brings about bright prospects to TEFL.

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业余英语培训教师资格证课程即将在中国上海交通大学开课。Part-time TEFL Teacher Training Certificate Course starts now at Shanghai JTU, china.

英语介词数量较大,用法灵活,长期以来一直是TEFL教学的一项重要内容。A good master of English preposition has long been an important item of TEFL activity.

一次突然机会,我来到TEFL,带着尝试的心态,按着辅导老师的建议进行英语学习。A sudden chance brought me to TEFL and I tried to learn it following my tutor's advice.

等二十四名学员都到齐后,我们开始乘车前往德胜岩。After everybody arrived, twenty four students in all, we departed from TEFL to mountain.

我碰过几乎不会说英文的人,想要申请英语外语教学课程。I had people coming in who could barely speak English and wanted to apply to TEFL programs.

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因此,中国的TEFL怎样顺应新时期的要求成为许多人关注的中心。So China's TEFL becomes the center of public attention on how to meet the needs in new situations.

随着图式理论以及语篇分析的引入,大学英语阅读教学在很大程度上发生了根本性变化。As scheme theory and discourse analysis are introduced, the TEFL reading is revolutionized to much extent.

信息技术的飞速发展为外语教学提供了巨大的网络资源。The fast development of information technology makes it possible to provide abundant recourses from internet for TEFL.

课堂中的交互活动是解决当前英语教学由“以教师为主导”转到“以学生为中心”的有效途径。Interactions in TEFL classroom are effective ways to change 'teacher-fronted' pedagogy into 'student- centered' pedagogical thought.

中心每月举行一次升级演讲以活跃泰弗尔的英语学习气氛,欢迎泰弗尔的所有学员和爱好英语的社会朋友踊跃参加。Zhuji Centre holds such kind of level promotion speech show every month. All the students of TEFL and other English enthusiasts are welcome to join it!

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中心将每月举行一次升级演讲以活跃泰弗尔的英语学习气氛,欢迎泰弗尔的所有学员和爱好英语的社会朋友踊跃参加。Zhuji Centre will hold such kind of level promotion speech show once a month. All the students of TEFL and other English enthusiasts are welcome to join it!

最后,本论文为英语教学提出了几点具体建议,以助英语教师在教学中更好地应对语用失误问题。Finally, aiming at facilitating EFL teachers' classroom work in dealing with pragmatic failure, this thesis provides some concrete teaching methods for TEFL.

通过剖析以英语为母语网络公共聊天室言语的语言构成来考察交际的教学适用性。The applicability of Webchat in the public chatroom in TEFL has been studied in terms of the linguistic features of ICQ speech acts by the native English-speakers.

本文分析了造成跨文化交流失误常见的语法、语用和社交方面的案例,以帮助教师提高英语教学的实效性。The paper studies some typical cases in which something somehow wrong leads to the miscommunication, so that English teachers may be on guard against them in their TEFL.

本文拟从已有的研究成果及自身从教经验出发,对情感的教育在中学英语教学中的实施进行初步探讨。In this paper on the basis of the related achievements and her own teaching experiences, the author will do preliminary research on the enforcement of emotional education in TEFL.

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她说,在北京和上海这样的大城市,教师必须年满24岁,毕业后有过一到两年的正式教学经验,并拥有TEFL英语教师资格证书。Teachers must be at least 24 years old, have one or two years of formal teaching experience after graduation and obtain a certificate to teach English as a foreign language, or TEFL.

我敢打赌,他们是越来越好了,虽然,在大城市的父母都开始把钱花在英语教育上面和对英语老师是需求在中国是一个很大的市场。I'd be willing to bet it's getting a lot better though, parents in the big cities are starting to spend a lot more on English education and China is the big new market for TEFL teachers.

TFEL器件的结构中包括了多种功能薄膜的应用,器件性能的好坏决定于各种功能薄膜的合理选择及其制备工艺。Many functional thin films are involved in the structure of TEFL device, and the properties of TFEL device are attributed to the materials and the fabrication methods of functional films.