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要惩罚我吗?Or punish me?

申斥、惩罚或骚扰某人。Scold, punish or harass sb.

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一直科罚我吗?To punish me a little longer?

“我想要那一根针处罚他”。I want that needle to punish him.

全是我的罪孽,父皇,请惩罚我吧。It is my crime, father, punish me.

拉住我手,惩罚我吧,噢。Take my hand, and punish me, ohhh.

这些坏人应如何治罪?How should we punish these bad hats?

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因此,我们要对他们依法进行严惩。If so, punish them according to law.

他许诺一定要惩罚这种暴行。He promised to punish the savage act.

没想我的罚你蛙跳。I didn't want to punish you leap-frog.

我们应当处罚所有怠工者。We should punish all of the saboteurs.

爱,是上帝用来惩罚咱们的还是赏封咱们的呢?。Does God punish or reward us with love?.

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神为何如此严历地惩罚世界呢?Why did God punish the earth so severely?

亏他说得出,我们该怎么罚他呀?How shall we punish him for such a speech?

他就是失去了理智,你就可以惩罚他。He is beyond reason and you can punish him.

你们如何惩办偷窃者?How would you punish somebody for stealing?

还是会罚咱们跪祠堂呢?Or will punish us to bend ancestral temple?

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请高抬贵手,不要惩罚他。Please hold your hand and don't punish him.

我曾经虐待我的肝脏,就好像它对警察开过枪一样。I used to punish my liver like it shot a cop.

但是希拉想要为阿格斯的死处罚爱娥。But Hera wanted to punish her for Argus 'death.