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他进城去了。He betook himself to town.

她虔诚地斋戒。She betook herself to fasting.

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她到集市去。She betook herself to the fair.

他们加入了一场辩论。They betook themselves to a debate.

他到自己的王国去了。He betook himself to his own kingdom.

马吕斯又进了卢森堡公园。Marius betook himself to the Luxembourg.

他们朝城里走去。They betook themselves towards the town.

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恳求无效,他便改用恐吓的手段。With entreaties proving no use,he betook himself to threats.

他挥了挥手,又继续采集药草了。waved his hand and betook himself again to his employment of gathering herbs.

它既然无法在白鸽当中得到食物,只得再回到穴乌群里去。Failing to obtain food among the Doves, he betook himself again to the Jackdaws.

他挥了挥手,又继续采集药草了。He waved his hand and betook himself again to his employment of gathering herbs.

不久,那夸口的喉咙因乾渴而沙哑,他开始祈求。His boastful throat soon grew hoarse with thirst, and he betook himself to prayer.

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留在特洛伊城外的希腊人纷纷登上船只,扬帆出海,彷佛一去永不复返。The remaining Greeks then betook themselves to their ships and sailed away, as if for a final departure.

近九点钟时,两位妇女退到楼上自己的房间去,让他独自留在楼下,直到天明。Toward nine o'clock in the evening the two women retired and betook themselves to their chambers on the first floor, leaving him alone until morning on the ground floor.