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在这个积极的分析方法中,它们是相同的。In the positivist approach, they are the same.

实证法学者肯定会得出不存在法律的结论。The positivist must then conclude that there is no law.

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实证主义者的观点往往是“润物细无声”。The positivist arrives at his point of view surreptitiously.

这也是本刊强调「实证佛教」的重要性。It explains why the " Positivist Buddhism" is emphasized in this Journal.

在这个积极的方法中,人们可以对比宇宙的两个模型。In terms of the positivist approach, one can compare two models of the universe.

她于1996年开始对跨国公司的本地化问题进行实证研究。She began her positivist study of the MNC localization process in China in 1996.

古典社会学的出现是对这种实证主义的唯科学主义思想的反动。Classical sociology emerges as a reaction to this form of positivist scientific thought.

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尽管这表明了实证主义过程的失败,但是一场新实证主义运动已冉冉上升。In spite of this manifest failure of the positivist program, a neopositivist movement has arisen.

从哈伯玛斯的批判诠释学观点,评析比较教育研究中实徵主义取向。To evaluate the positivist approach in comparative education through Jürgen Habermas' Critical Hermeneutics.

凯尔森首倡的“纯粹法学”是西方法哲学中分析实证主义法学的一个主要流派。"Pure Jurisprudence", advocated by Kelson, is the major school in Western analytical Positivist jurisprudence.

所谓的“实证主义”文体论思想是刘勰对“诗言志”等儒家诗学思想进行重新理解的原因。Liu Xie's new understandings of Confucian hermeneutic ideas are based mainly on his positivist stylistic ideas.

政治文化是政治学发展史上后行为主义实证政治学时代的产物。Political culture is the result of post-behaviorism of positivist politics in the development history of politics.

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中国实证主义史学发展历程是中国史学近代化的一个缩影。The development of Chinese Positivist Historiography is a miniature of the modernization of Chinese historiography.

本部分解决的是判决可接受性实证研究的成立及视角选择、判决可接受性的内涵及其判断。This section centers on the foundation and visual-angle choice of positivist study, meaning and judgment of the AOV.

首先,笔者透过对徐文的分析,说明徐氏将王充视为逻辑实证论者的理由为何。First, through analysis on Hsu's composition, the author explains the reasons why Hsu regarded Wang as a logical positivist.

学者们通过实证研究,证明了女子高校对于培养女性人才发挥著重要作用。Through positivist research, scholars have proved the important part women's colleges have played in training female talents.

哈贝马斯认为,自近代以来认识论的发展是实证主义的知识学取代认识论。Habermas states that the development of epistemology is itself replaced by the positivist theory of knowledge in the modern era.

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勒纳对女性历史的贡献,不仅在于她通过微观实证发掘了曾经被忽略的女性的历史,而且在于她对女性历史研究的多重理论思考。The contributions of Gerda Lerner to feminist history are her theoretic thinking on feminist history as well as her microscopic positivist study.

尤其是它提倡把自然科学引入史学的观点促进了史学科学化的进程。Especially by introducing natural science into historiography, Chinese positivist historiography promoted the scientific process of historiography.

后现代法学是继自然法学、分析实证法学、社会学法学三大流派之后的又一具有重大影响的法学思潮。Post-modern jurisprudence is the legal trend of important influence after natural jurisprudence, positivist jurisprudence, sociological jurisprudence.