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她正在哄那个哭叫的婴儿。She is soothing the crying baby.

它抚摸你的屁股,你感到很舒服。It caresses your bottom. It is soothing.

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“呼吸,”一个使人镇静的男声回答道。"Breathe," replied a soothing male voice.

在画布上的画笔可以出乎意外地使人感到安慰。A brush on canvas can be remarkably soothing.

尝试舒缓的鼻孔交替呼吸法。And try soothing alternate-nostril breathing.

有人喜欢听一些舒缓的音乐。Some people like listening to soothing music.

那么也许可以泡上一杯温热的花茶。A warm, soothing mug of herbal tea might, though.

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还可以听一些舒缓的经典音乐。So is listening to some soothing classical music.

金盏花全效舒缓B.B。美颜霜★。Calendula & Licorice Perfect Soothing B. B. Cream.

要在家缓解痛苦,用加热来治疗你的耳朵。For soothing at-home relief, treat your ear to heat.

此外,你还可以在点心中加入点天然的香草调味料。Mix in natural vanilla flavoring for a soothing snack.

这点是惊人的舒缓和安抚本身。This spot is amazing soothing and pacifying in itself.

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“歌手,”他叫道,“唱点抚慰性的歌儿。”"Singer, " he called, "come sing us something soothing.

超级滋润保湿的沐浴液,帮助缓解湿疹。A super rich, soothing moisturizer for babies with eczema.

第一,它是一种使人平和、快乐的颜色。First, it is a very soothing color and makes people happy.

他给自己买了一件尺码肥大舒适的大衣。He bought a greatcoat for himself of soothing proportions.

给她唱歌,哼哼,或者发出轻轻的嘘嘘声。Make some soothing noises. Sing, hum, or gently shush her.

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试着给她按摩或者把她放在温暖,舒适的浴缸里洗澡。Try massaging her or putting her in a warm, soothing bath.

他们在静脉曲张的疮口上抹了清凉的油膏。They had dressed his varicose ulcer with soothing ointment.

怀特洛先生的仁慈就会象甘露一样从天而降。Mr. Whitelaw's benevolence would descend like soothing balm.