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这柿子涩。The persimmon tastes puckery.

邻居给我柿子树插枝。I got the persimmon cuttings from a neighbor.

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柿子饼,芙蓉汤,凉皮什么的。Persimmon cake, vegetable soup, cold noodles, etc.

柿子很小且呈红色,味道则是甜的。Persimmon is small and red , and the taste is sweet.

柿子不仅味道鲜美,而且营养丰富。Persimmon fruit is not only delicious, and nutritious.

黄橙橙的柿子压弯了枝条。Huang Cheng Cheng bending the branches of the persimmon.

我说大概是吃柿子吃了的缘故。I said that is probably to eat because eating persimmon.

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果品以苹果、安梨柿子为大宗。Fruit to apple, pear and persimmon security for the bulk.

你瞧,西面山洼里的那一片柿树,红得是多么好看。Look at that little persimmon orchard in the west valley.

柿子不像苹果,一年四季可以吃得到。Unlike apples, fresh persimmon is not available year round.

酒足饭饱之后就尽可以去摘柿子了。After a full meal and drink, it was time for persimmon picking.

确定磨盘柿为呼吸跃变型果实。Mopan persimmon was confirmed as respiration climacteric fruit.

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取材于吉祥喜庆的喜鹊和形态饱满的柿子。Watership auspicious festive magpie and form full of persimmon.

还有柿子饼、芙蓉汤、凉皮什么的。There is also persimmon cake, vegetable soup, cold noodles, etc.

但柿子也有不足之处,食之过多也有危害。But the persimmon also has the deficiency, eat too much is harmful.

那棵树的顶梢梢上,还挂着一个小火柿子。At the very top of the old persimmon tree, there was one last fruit.

柿饼是黎城县特色土产之一。Dried persimmon is one of the characteristic local products in Licheng.

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柿饼节毫无疑问是所有感官的飨宴。Without a doubt, the Persimmon Festival is a feast for all of the senses.

甜柿在该生态型区,早果、丰产性好。Non-astringent persimmon fructification was early in mid-subtropical region.

因此,食用红西柿时切不可贪嘴。Therefore, the consumption of red when the West must not be greedy persimmon.