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要写明土地的租佃性质。To specify the nature of land tenancy.

要写明租佃土地的数量和町数。To specify the amount of land tenancy and the town a few.

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近代中国租佃关系的形式和特点?Modern China relations in the form of tenancy and characteristics?

包佃产生于汉代,广泛发展于宋元时期。The Tenancy system originated in Han Dynasty and spread widely in Song Dynasty.

洛克乌德,震惊,结束他在画眉田庄租赁回到伦敦。Lockwood, appalled, ends his tenancy at Thrushcross Grange and returns to London.

罗伯茨先生太太,戴先生,让我简单解释一下协议书的内容。Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and Mr Dai, let me explain the terms of this tenancy agreement.

罗伯茨先生太太,戴先生,让我简单解释协议书的内容。Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and Mr. Tay. let me explain the terms of this tenancy agreement.

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陈教授的研究较为独特,是先从租佃关系着手。Professor Chen's research is more unique is the start tenancy relationship to proceed.

伴随而来的是人口流移,土地关系的变动,租佃形式的变化。Then population drifting, change of Land-relationship and tenancy forms are following.

永佃制是一种对社会有益的制度,它的产权结构对地主和佃农都提供了激励。Permanent tenancy is good for social, providing incentive for both landlords and tenants.

“合同起始日期”指本协议规定的租赁期开始的日期。"Contract Start Date" is the date upon which tenancy begins as specified in the Agreement.

这种半奴隶制的租佃制度,与中国的高利贷制度是分不开的。This semislave type of tenancy was inseparable from the system of usury practiced in China.

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然而,租赁制不符合中国国情,也将严重损害土地权人的利益。However, tenancy system is not appropriate in China, and it will harm the profit of landlords.

一些公司在短期租约到期后实行大幅度加租,甚至驱逐租户。some firms had imposed large rent increases, or even evicted tenants after a short tenancy period.

补偿贸易与融资租赁是企业融通资金的两条有效途径。Compensate trade and financing tenancy are two effective approaches to accommodate capital in a bank.

该计划被广泛的宣传,并作为一种将现有按揭与一个负担得起的租住权进行互换的手段正被大肆推广。The schemes are widely advertised, and are promoted as a way of swapping a mortgage for an affordable tenancy.

关于我国古代的租佃契与租佃关系,中外学者曾经作过很多研究。On China's ancient deeds and tenancy tenancy relations, Chinese and foreign scholars have made a lot of research.

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可是他们不能解释为什么类似于租佃制的合约方式在近现代还很有生命力。They cannot, however, explain why contracts, like those of the tenancy system , were still vital in modern times.

佃农理论系统研究了分成租佃这种合约形式,并得出了分成租佃有效的结论。Cottier Theory systematically expounds the agreement form and arrives at such effective conclusion of farm tenancy.

果如此,则秦简所云可以证明土地的租佃关系秦时确已有之。If so, then the Qin Jane goes to prove the relationship between land tenancy has existed since the Qin Dynasty did.