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事件报告。Event reporting.

战神坦克报告。Battlemaster tank reporting.

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另一个示例是报告。Another example is reporting.

异常处理和报告。Exception handling and reporting.

在警署报失。Reporting loss at police station.

我只是转述他的话。I am merely reporting what he said.

现在开启了错误报告!You have error reporting turned on!

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安德鲁·勒努瓦对本次报告作出了贡献。Andrew Lenoir contributed reporting.

要做到这一点,GRI报告是其中一个途径。GRI reporting is one way to do this.

提供彻底的B树的报告。Provides thorough reporting of B-trees.

编写一个运行时错误报告函数。Write a run-time error reporting function.

直接向信息搜集小组的领导汇报工作。Reporting Directly to Sourcing Team Leader.

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我是马丁约翰逊,从华盛顿发来报道。I'm Marti Johnson reporting from Washington.

南丁·奥迪在巴黎对本报道亦有贡献。Nadim Audi contributed reporting from Paris.

太有限的功能并且报错。too limited functionality and error reporting

用于管理、跟踪和报告的审核。Audit for management, tracking, and reporting.

东京的井上真纪子亦为此报道作出贡献·Makiko Inoue contributed reporting from Tokyo.

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目前它没有任何SCORM的报告。Presently it does not have any SCORM reporting.

丹·卡尔森,阿拉巴马州米德兰市报道。Dan Carsen reporting from Midland city, Alabama.

甚至出生证报告都能出。Even birth certificate reporting is catching up.