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哦!在中国流行的北海道,是吧?OH! popular hokkaido in chinese, right?

谁是日本北海道的拉面王?。Who is the Lamen King in Japan Hokkaido?

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平冈公园以梨子树及梅花闻名北海道。Hiraoka Park's plum is famous in Hokkaido.

旅游部门官员称之为“北海道的繁荣”。Tourism officials call it the "Hokkaido boom".

北海道是阿伊努民族的居住地之一。Hokkaido is one of the residences of A'YiNu people.

中午飞机抵达了北海道的新千岁机场。Noon aircraft arrived in Hokkaido new chitose airport.

北海道的雪祭景观令人眼花撩乱。The Snow Festival in Hokkaido is a dazzling spectacle.

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礼文岛是北海道最北端的岛屿之一。Li Wen Island is one of the northernmost islands of Hokkaido.

这十一天的道东之旅亦告一段落。This also marks the end of this 11-day East Hokkaido journey.

铃木章,80岁,在日本札幌的北海道大学工作。Suzuki, 80, is based at Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan.

北海道蟹的肉质比较松软,轻轻一嘬,肉就可以入口。Hokkaido crab meat relatively soft, gently suck the meat can be imported.

人是史前某个种族的最后残存者。The Ainu settlers in Hokkaido are the last remnant of a prehistoric race.

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北海道的阿伊努人是史前某个种族的最后残存者。The Ainu settlers in Hokkaido are the last remnant of a prehistoric race.

不吃海鲜,特别是不吃海蟹,等于白来北海道。Do not eat seafood, especially do not eat crab, is equal to white to Hokkaido.

但也有一些专家划定了一个范围更大的区域,北侧甚至到达北海道。However, others offer a wider geographical target, as far to the north as Hokkaido.

北海道是位于日本北端的一个岛屿,四面环海,土地辽阔,金鹰网快乐女声抢票。Hokkaido is an island at Japan's northern extremity, surrounded by sea in all directions.

阿伊努人居住在日北本,北方的北海道数百年了。The Ainu had Japan's northern Hokkaido Island nearly to themselves for hundreds of years.

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弥漫著一片粉紫的熏衣草田,是夏季北海道最令人心动的景色。Filled with a pinkish to lavender fields in summer in Hokkaido is the most exciting scenery.

花田钦也由于掉恋辞了任务,开着他新买的汽车去北海道散心。Take TianQin also due to quit the task, are off he drove his car to buy new of Hokkaido trip.

最初,是从我们笔会的所在地、有北海道丘陵之街之称的美瑛开始的。Initially, from the seat of our document will have the Street Hokkaido hills known Biei began.