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在这个时候,拓扑学被称做位置几何学。At is time the subject of topology was known as analysis situs.

财产所在地规则同样适用于有形动产。The situs test also applies in relation to tangible movable property.

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它可能是牙齿病变引起的,让细菌侵入他的有机体。It could be the lesions caused by teeth that allow a situs for incursion of organisms.

我们都有点喜欢处于超实际的位置——去到什么场地裁夺拍什么东西。We were slightly interested in more surreis situs — going on loc and shooting on film.

报道9例先天性内脏转位的病理发现。The pathological findings in 9 cases of congenital situs in versus visoerum are reported.

在日常练习中,要学会在庞杂多变的作战形式下穷困定下决定。In routine training you learn to make difficult decisions in complex combasebhasl bat situs.

在被盗艺术品跨国争议中,物之所在地法是被盗艺术品的所有权判定的主要依据。A general principle lex situs is applied to determine the ownership of transnational stolen art.

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算例表明这一方法更为符合实际基坑工程的观测结果。The results are more conformable to the situs observations than those of the elastic-plastic model.

遗嘱实质上的有效性同样也采用遗嘱所在地法为准据法。The essential validity of a disposition under a will of immovables is also governed by the Lex situs.

混凝土叠合结构是当前国际上大力发展的一种装配整体式结构,试验表明,这种叠合板结构性能良好。Concrete composite structure is a great developing structure which combines precast with cast in situs in internationality at present.

与此相适应,国际私法关于物权变动的法律适用有适用当事人意思自治原则和适用物之所在地法两种立法模式。Accordingly, there are two kinds of legislative mode on the applicable law of change of real right. That is lex voluntatis and lex situs.

但是,当特定动产的财产所在地难以确定时,应适用合同准据法。However, in instances where the situs of a particular movable property is difficult to determine, the proper law of the contract may be applied.

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内脏逆位是一种先天性问题,使身体内部器官位置调换,其发生率不到万分之一。Situs inversus is a congenital condition that reverses the location of the internal organs in the body and affects fewer than one person in 10,000.

采用这种方法,对板中、板边和板角三种受荷位置的计算表明,计算结果都能与现场试验的结果较好地吻合。Using this method, the result of computation is quite agreeable to the result of experiment in situs in any load position, interior edge or corner load.

目的分析声门型喉癌在不同治疗方式下的预后及其影响预后的因素。Objective To evaluate the results of different treatment modalities for carcinoma in situs of the glottis, and to analyze prognostic factors for outcome.

以“物之所在地法”作为涉外物权法律关系的准据法,是当今各国解决物权法律冲突所采用的基本原则。"Lex situs" as a foreign relations interests of the applicable laws. This is the real right to settle the conflict-of-laws adopted by the basic principles.

第三章首先探讨有关的重要判例,并阐明物之所在地方法继续适用于间接体制下证券交易的合理性。Chapter 3 follows with a review of two important cases, then demonstrates that the theory of lex situs will allow its application under the indirect holding system.

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拓扑发现确定网络元素之间的互连关系,是配置管理的中心,故障管理的基础。The analysis situs detected between the determination network element interlocks the relations, is configures the control the core, the fault management foundation.

因此,某人如依据财产所在地的法律具有必要的行为能力,他或她便一般当作具有转让或接收不动产的行为能力。Thus, an individual would ordinarily be deemed to have the capacity to transfer or receive immovable property if he or she has the requisite capacity according to the situs.

在网络中配置转换器对网络性能的改善取决于网络拓扑和大小,及可用波长数和所用的RWA算法。Disposes the switch in the network is decided to the network performance improvement by the network analysis situs and the size, and the serviceable wave length number and uses RWA algorithm.