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“我一定要去。”索尼娅说。"I'll go, " said Sonya.

娜塔莎睡醒了,看见索尼娅。Natasha waked up and saw Sonya.

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盖文和桑雅要一起到水疗中心待上一天。Gavin and Sonya are spending a day at a spa.

索尼娅和她并肩站在半开的门旁边。Sonya stood beside her at the half-open door.

“索尼娅”声称搞定过两条这样的路线。"Sonya" claims to have managed two such routes.

索尼娅、娜塔莎没脱衣服就在起居室睡了。Sonya and Natasha slept in the divan-room, without undressing.

要适应像她那样的上司,还得要一段时间呢。It’s going to take some time to get used to a boss like her.---by Sonya Roy

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索尼娅看见娜塔莎这种恐怖的样子,不禁为女友流出了羞耻和怜悯的眼泪。On seeing Natasha's alarm, Sonya wept tears of shame and pity for her friend.

索尼娅揩干眼泪,走到娜塔莎跟前,又仔细地瞧她的面庞。Sonya dried her tears and went up to Natasha, carefully scrutinising her face again.

娜塔莎瞪大眼睛望着索尼娅,仿佛不明白她在问什么。Natasha looked with her big, wide eyes at Sonya as though not understanding her question.

多洛霍夫对没有嫁妆的而且孤独无依的索尼娅来说,是个体面的在某些方面可以说是杰出的配偶。Dolohov was a good, and in some respects a brilliant, match for the portionless orphan sonya.

一月底,伊利亚·安德烈伊奇伯爵偕同娜塔莎、索尼娅抵达莫斯科。COUNT ILYA ANDREITCH ROSTOV arrived in Moscow towards the end of January with Natasha and Sonya.

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阿纳托利的一封打开的信放在她身旁的桌上,索尼娅拿起这封信,就读起来。On the table near her Anatole's letter lay open. Sonya picked up the letter and began to read it.

希望索尼娅也被挥拳打脸,他们干扰议会,阻碍国家的进步。Hope pappu and Sonya may face this soon bcoz of disturbing parliament and blocking Nation progress.

索尼娅也在座,想知道安德烈公爵和娜塔莎谈话内容的好奇心折磨着好。Sonya was sitting with them, fretted by curiosity as to what Prince Andrey and Natasha were saying.

突然索尼娅几乎叫了起来,抓着表妹的手从房门口向后退。Sonya almost shrieked all of a sudden, clutching at her cousin's arm, and moving back away from the door.

Sonya保持着许多吃东西的纪录——她的绰号是“鳏夫”——但仍然保持着苗条的身材。Sonya holds many eating records —her nickname is “The Widower” —and still manages to maintain her teensy frame.

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娜塔莎的面部表情愈益温柔而谄媚,索尼娅的面部表情就愈益严肃而庄重。The softer and the more ingratiating Natasha's face became, the more serious and stern became the face of Sonya.

伯爵夫人尚且待在乡下,伯爵偕同索尼娅和娜塔莎,乃于元月底启程着往莫斯科。The countess was left in the country, and towards the end of January the count took Sonya and Natasha with him to Moscow.

他窥伺谈话一中断,就露出扫兴的神态,从房里出来,寻找索尼娅去了。He waited for the first break in the conversation, and, with a face of distress, walked out of the room to look for Sonya.