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下边是一条线索。Here’s a clue.

这是一个线索。That's a clue.

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我一点头绪都没有。I haven’t a clue.

这可能是个线索。It may be a clue.

现在我们毫无头绪。Now we haven’t a clue.

我再提醒你一句So here's another clue.

你们的心里应该有数You should have a clue.

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我认为我没有头绪。I don’t think I had a clue.

但他也透露了一点线索。But he did provide one clue.

大脑需要的是引子。All the brain needs is a clue.

线索就在李敖的亨格力·豪斯里面。There's a clue at Leo's house.

我们不知道这意味着什么。We had no clue what that meant.

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丹和菲菲会给大家提供线索。Dan and Feifei will clue you in!

斯芬尼克斯给俄狄浦斯线索了吗?。Did the Sphinx give Oedipus a clue?

最重要的线索就是你能量的来源。A big clue is your source of energy.

他偶然发现了那秘密的线索。He happened on a clue to the mystery.

请告诉我有关他女朋友的事。Please clue Me. in on his girlfriend.

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这个问题我们一开始并没有线索。In this case, we at first had no clue.

幻灯片上有一条线索Well there's a clue here on the slide.

我一点都听不懂你在说什么。I haven't got a clue what you're saying.