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濑鱼在锚珊瑚里。Wrasse in anchor coral.

珊瑚的扣子和琥珀纽的晶彩。Thy coral clasps and amber studs.

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配上珊瑚钩扣,把琥珀镶嵌With coral clasps and amber studs

暗沙是海洋中的宝藏。Coral reefs are troves of the sea.

珊瑚作勾,琥珀作扣。With coral clasps and amber studs.

真珊瑚无需刷油漆。True coral needs no painter's brush.

科勒尔可能面临21个月的监禁。Coral could face 21 months in prison.

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一条藏在珊瑚礁后面的狮子鱼。A lion fish hidden behind a coral reef.

红珊瑚广告欢迎您!Tianjin Red Coral Advertising Co. , Ltd.

珊瑚海的一个浮标也报警了。A buoy in the Coral Sea is also on alert.

大型分叉的珊瑚,形似鹿角。Large branching coral resembling antlers.

佛罗里达州珊瑚顶市Biltmore酒店The Biltmore Hotel, Coral Gables, Florida

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珊瑚是成立的旋转部分。The coral is made up of swiveling sections.

那红似珊瑚的唇吻,雪白而含涡的下颏。Her coral lips, her snow-white dimpled chin.

箱子时装着一引作为纪念品的珊瑚石。The box contained some souvenir coral rocks.

珊瑚心,硬礁,昆士兰,澳大利亚Coral Heart, Hardy Reef, Queensland, Australia

他穿西装打领带,她穿橘红色针织裙。He wore a suit and tie, she a coral knit dress.

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涨潮冲击着珊瑚礁。The incoming tides were bathing the coral reef.

一位潜水者探险铁丝珊瑚在日本的Suruga湾。A diver explores wire coral in Japan's Suruga Bay.

昨天晚上,我沉没的“黄蜂号”的珊瑚海。Last night I sank the "USS Wasp" in the Coral Sea.