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我真的关心!I truly cared!

我真的非常抱歉!I am truly sorry.

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我是你忠实的姬妾。I am yours truly.

上帝真的爱冠希。God truly loves Edison.

你最好有话直说。You'd better talk truly.

而这,才是这正神的旨意。And that is truly divine.

中国人民解放军是真正的人民军队。It is truly a people's army.

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做一个真正无畏的人。Done a truly fearless person.

珍娜!这真的会是你吗?Jaina! Could it truly be you?

你真的没有任何偏好。You truly have no preference.

创伤真的能让我们强壮起来。They can truly make us strong.

我认为这是可行的。I truly believe this is doable.

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这个游戏不可能真的是随机的。The game can’t be truly random.

他确是一位很有眼力的批评家。He is a truly perceptive critic.

诺亚真是上帝赐予的呢!Noah is truly, truly a God-send.

先生,再说一次,真的很对不起。Sir, once more, I’m truly sorry.

而这次却是名副其实的秋雨了。But this is truly an autumn rain.

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我很玩赏你的善良。I truly appreciate your kindness.

玩世恭玩具——我是我自己!Witchcraft Toys, Truly be myself!

黄山确实让人难以忘怀!Yellow Mountain is truly awesome!