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奖金和加薪。Bonuses and raises.

他扬起眉毛。He raises his eyebrows.

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纳达尔眉毛一扬。Nadal raises an eyebrow.

她以种米、树薯、玉米为生,同时也养鸡。She also raises chickens.

那个农民养母牛,种玉米。The farmer raises cows and corn.

球门裁判员举双旗。The goal judge raises both flags.

他养了一只是黑猫和一只是白猫。He raises a black and a white cat.

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农民养牛羊,种庄稼。种竹成林。The farmer raises cattle and crops.

西米亚斯提出一个不同的反对观点。Simmias raises a different objection.

这矛头引出了许多问题。This spearhead raises many questions.

水涨船高吗?,-嗯。Arising water raises all boats? -Yeah.

LJ放下了枪,举起了手。LJ drops the gun and raises his hands.

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Sandel教授提出了两个问题。Professor Sandel raises two questions.

我奶奶在家里养了几只公鸡。My grandma raises some roosters at home.

一石激起千层浪。A tossed stone raises a thousand ripples.

一方水土养育一方人。A side water and soil raises a side people.

你也可以在台阶上做站立提踵。You can also perform calf raises on a step.

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传媒大腕杨澜为特奥会筹资。Media guru Yang Lan raises money for Specia.

一方水土,养一方人。A side water and soil, raises a party person.

但是他又不断在工作中提升自己,晋升职位。But he frequently gets raises and promotions.