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尽量简短。Be brief.

我会十分简短。I will be brief.

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内容不要太简短。Don't be too brief.

所以,它的比赛很精短。So, that's very brief.

这次旅程很短暂。This journey is brief.

她的书信很简短。Her letters were brief.

简表的内容。Brief Table of Contents.

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他拥有一个短暂的蜜月期。He had a brief honeymoon.

生命是极其短暂的。Life is exceedingly brief.

谁曾听见你须臾间的叹息。Who heard your brief sigh.

无线电报消息很简短。The radio message was brief.

一阵强风短时期的狂风或阵风。A brief gust or blast of wind.

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庆祝仪式可能非常简短。The celebrations may be brief.

翎生命虽短,爱却绵长。Brief is life, but love is long.

邮件都是简略和客气的。The emails are brief and polite.

亾生命虽短,爱却绵长。Brief fis life, but love is long.

该书的引言简短。The book's introduction is brief.

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经理要我长话短说。The manager asked me to be brief.

今天虽然是走马观花。Although our tour today was brief.

让我来简单介绍一些背景。Let me give some brief background.